/* -*- c-file-style: "ruby"; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* * Copyright (C) 2011 Ruby-GNOME2 Project Team * Copyright (C) 2003 Masao Mutoh * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "rbatkprivate.h" #define RG_TARGET_NAMESPACE cStateSet #define _SELF(s) (RVAL2ATKSTATESET(s)) static VALUE rg_initialize(VALUE self) { G_INITIALIZE(self, atk_state_set_new()); return Qnil; } static VALUE rg_empty_p(VALUE self) { return CBOOL2RVAL(atk_state_set_is_empty(_SELF(self))); } static VALUE rg_add_state(VALUE self, VALUE type) { return CBOOL2RVAL(atk_state_set_add_state(_SELF(self), RVAL2ATKSTATETYPE(type))); } struct rval2atkstatetype_args { VALUE ary; long n; AtkStateType *result; }; static VALUE rval2atkstatetype_body(VALUE value) { long i; struct rval2atkstatetype_args *args = (struct rval2atkstatetype_args *)value; for (i = 0; i < args->n; i++) args->result[i] = RVAL2ATKSTATETYPE(RARRAY_PTR(args->ary)[i]); return Qnil; } static G_GNUC_NORETURN VALUE rval2atkstatetype_rescue(VALUE value) { g_free(((struct rval2atkstatetype_args *)value)->result); rb_exc_raise(rb_errinfo()); } static AtkStateType * rval2atkstatetype(VALUE value, long *n) { struct rval2atkstatetype_args args; args.ary = rb_ary_to_ary(value); args.n = RARRAY_LEN(args.ary); args.result = g_new(AtkStateType, args.n + 1); rb_rescue(rval2atkstatetype_body, (VALUE)&args, rval2atkstatetype_rescue, (VALUE)&args); if (n != NULL) *n = args.n; return args.result; } #define RVAL2ATKSTATETYPES(value, n) rval2atkstatetype(value, n) static VALUE rg_add_states(VALUE self, VALUE rbtypes) { AtkStateSet *set = _SELF(self); long n; AtkStateType *types = RVAL2ATKSTATETYPES(rbtypes, &n); atk_state_set_add_states(set, types, n); g_free(types); return self; } static VALUE rg_clear_states(VALUE self) { atk_state_set_clear_states(_SELF(self)); return self; } static VALUE rg_contains_state(VALUE self, VALUE type) { return CBOOL2RVAL(atk_state_set_contains_state(_SELF(self), RVAL2ATKSTATETYPE(type))); } static VALUE rg_contains_states(VALUE self, VALUE rbtypes) { AtkStateSet *set = _SELF(self); long n; AtkStateType *types = RVAL2ATKSTATETYPES(rbtypes, &n); gboolean result; result = atk_state_set_contains_states(set, types, n); g_free(types); return CBOOL2RVAL(result); } static VALUE rg_remove_state(VALUE self, VALUE type) { return CBOOL2RVAL(atk_state_set_remove_state(_SELF(self), RVAL2ATKSTATETYPE(type))); } static VALUE rg_and(VALUE self, VALUE compare_set) { return GOBJ2RVAL(atk_state_set_and_sets(_SELF(self), _SELF(compare_set))); } static VALUE rg_or(VALUE self, VALUE compare_set) { return GOBJ2RVAL(atk_state_set_or_sets(_SELF(self), _SELF(compare_set))); } static VALUE rg_xor(VALUE self, VALUE compare_set) { return GOBJ2RVAL(atk_state_set_xor_sets(_SELF(self), _SELF(compare_set))); } void Init_atk_state_set(VALUE mAtk) { VALUE RG_TARGET_NAMESPACE = G_DEF_CLASS(ATK_TYPE_STATE_SET, "StateSet", mAtk); RG_DEF_METHOD(initialize, 0); RG_DEF_METHOD_P(empty, 0); RG_DEF_METHOD(add_state, 1); RG_DEF_METHOD(add_states, 1); RG_DEF_METHOD(clear_states, 0); RG_DEF_METHOD(contains_state, 1); RG_DEF_METHOD(contains_states, 1); RG_DEF_METHOD(remove_state, 1); RG_DEF_METHOD(and, 1); RG_DEF_ALIAS("&", "and"); RG_DEF_METHOD(or, 1); RG_DEF_ALIAS("|", "or"); RG_DEF_METHOD(xor, 1); RG_DEF_ALIAS("^", "xor"); }