# Copyright (c) 2005 Ruby-GNOME2 Project Team # This program is licenced under the same licence as Ruby-GNOME2. # # $Id: iconview.rb,v 1.7 2007/08/05 15:41:31 mutoh Exp $ =begin = Icon View (IconView) The Gtk::IconView widget is used to display and manipulate icons. It uses a Gtk::TreeModel for data storage, so the list store example might be helpful. =end $KCODE="u" require 'common' module Demo class IconView < Demo::BasicWindow COL_PATH, COL_DISPLAY_NAME, COL_IS_DIR, COL_PIXBUF = (0..3).to_a def fill_store @store.clear Dir.glob(File.join(@parent, "*")).each do |path| is_dir = FileTest.directory?(path) iter = @store.append # set COL_DISPLAY_NAME first because changing an iter will trigger the # sort function; if we set something else first, the value of # COL_DISPLAY_NAME for this row will be "nil" and the sort function will fail puts path #puts GLib.convert(GLib.filename_to_utf8(path), "Shift_JIS", "UTF-8") #puts File.basename(GLib.convert(GLib.filename_to_utf8(path), "Shift_JIS", "UTF-8")) # iter[COL_DISPLAY_NAME] = File.basename(GLib.filename_to_utf8(path)) iter[COL_DISPLAY_NAME] = GLib.filename_to_utf8(path) iter[COL_PATH] = path iter[COL_IS_DIR] = is_dir iter[COL_PIXBUF] = is_dir ? @folder_pixbuf : @file_pixbuf end end def initialize super('Gtk::IconView demo') @file_pixbuf = Gdk::Pixbuf.new(Demo.find_file("gnome-fs-regular.png")) @folder_pixbuf = Gdk::Pixbuf.new(Demo.find_file("gnome-fs-directory.png")) @store = Gtk::ListStore.new(String, String, TrueClass, Gdk::Pixbuf) @parent = "/" @store.set_default_sort_func do |a, b| if !a[COL_IS_DIR] and b[COL_IS_DIR] 1 elsif a[COL_IS_DIR] and !b[COL_IS_DIR] -1 else a[COL_DISPLAY_NAME] <=> b[COL_DISPLAY_NAME] end end @store.set_sort_column_id(Gtk::TreeSortable::DEFAULT_SORT_COLUMN_ID, Gtk::SORT_ASCENDING) fill_store set_default_size(650, 400) set_border_width(8) vbox = Gtk::VBox.new(false, 0) add(vbox) toolbar = Gtk::Toolbar.new vbox.pack_start(toolbar, false, false, 0) up_button = Gtk::ToolButton.new(Gtk::Stock::GO_UP) up_button.important = true up_button.sensitive = false toolbar.insert(-1, up_button) up_button.signal_connect("clicked") do @parent = File.dirname(@parent) fill_store up_button.sensitive = @parent != "/" end home_button = Gtk::ToolButton.new(Gtk::Stock::HOME) home_button.important = true toolbar.insert(-1, home_button) home_button.signal_connect("clicked") do @parent = GLib.home_dir fill_store up_button.sensitive = true end sw = Gtk::ScrolledWindow.new sw.shadow_type = Gtk::SHADOW_ETCHED_IN sw.set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC) vbox.pack_start(sw, true, true, 0) iconview = Gtk::IconView.new(@store) iconview.selection_mode = Gtk::SELECTION_MULTIPLE iconview.text_column = COL_DISPLAY_NAME iconview.pixbuf_column = COL_PIXBUF iconview.signal_connect("item_activated") do |iview, path| iter = @store.get_iter(path) if iter[COL_DISPLAY_NAME] @parent = iter[COL_PATH] fill_store up_button.sensitive = true end end sw.add(iconview) iconview.grab_focus end end end