#!/usr/bin/env ruby =begin Sample script using Gtk::Socket and Gtk::Plug. $ ruby t-gtksocket.rb Written by Alex Boussinet for testing purpose only. Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Ruby-GNOME2 Project Team This program is licenced under the same licence as Ruby-GNOME2. $Id: t-gtkplug.rb,v 1.5 2006/06/17 13:18:12 mutoh Exp $ =end require 'gtk2' class MyGtkPlug def initialize(xid, plug) plug = "Button" if plug.nil? if xid.nil? @window = Gtk::Window.new("Gtk::Plug Test") @window.set_default_size(250, 50) else @window = Gtk::Plug.new(xid.to_i) end @window.window_position = Gtk::Window::POS_CENTER @window.signal_connect("delete_event"){Gtk.main_quit} @vbox = Gtk::VBox.new(true, 5) @window.add(@vbox) @button1 = Gtk::Button.new(plug) @button1.signal_connect("clicked"){ $stderr.puts plug} @button2 = Gtk::Button.new("Exit") @button2.signal_connect("clicked"){Gtk.main_quit} # Exit button to test an unexpected end of child process by Gtk::Socket @vbox.add(@button1) @vbox.add(@button2) @window.show_all end end xid = nil ARGV.each_index { |i| arg = ARGV.at(i) if arg == "-x" if arg.length > 2 xid = arg[2..-1] else xid = ARGV.at(i + 1) ARGV.delete_at(i + 1) end xid = nil if xid.to_i <= 0 ARGV.delete_at(i) end } MyGtkPlug.new(xid, ARGV.shift) Gtk.main