.TH "superTornado.MainHandler" 3 "Thu Apr 3 2014" "Version 1.0" "MI Protect Privacy" \" -*- nroff -*-
.ad l
superTornado.MainHandler \-
Inherits \fBsuperTornado\&.BaseHandler\fP\&.
.SS "Public Member Functions"
.in +1c
.ti -1c
.RI "def \fBget\fP"
.RI "def \fBpost\fP"
.in -1c
.SH "Detailed Description"
Main web page : / in http sever
.SH "Member Function Documentation"
.SS "def superTornado\&.MainHandler\&.get (self)"
GET request -> return index.html where user can login
.SS "def superTornado\&.MainHandler\&.post (self)"
POST request -> try to connect user with parameter POST (iden and paswd)
if connection sucessfull
go to the /video page (VideoHandler)
go to the /unauthorized page (UnauthorizedHandler)
.SH "Author"
Generated automatically by Doxygen for MI Protect Privacy from the source code\&.