import urllib, urllib2 import cookielib, time import random import string import socket import sys from websocket import create_connection#sudo pip install websocket-client from urllib import urlopen ignore_discard=True # url for website base_url = '' # cookies cookie_file = 'mfp.cookies' cj = cookielib.MozillaCookieJar(cookie_file) # set up opener to handle cookies, redirects etc opener = urllib2.build_opener( urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler(), urllib2.HTTPHandler(debuglevel=0), urllib2.HTTPSHandler(debuglevel=0), urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj) ) # we are not a python, we are a browser :) browser = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; fr; rv: Gecko/2009020619 Gentoo Iceweasel/3.0.6' opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', (browser)) ] print "Hello, I'm botTest :)" print "I'm here for test MI camera server." print "I'm not a python script for the server, I'm a browser : \n" + browser.replace(";","") print "\nI'm starting test with main page of the site :" print "PATH: /" print "TYPE REQUEST : GET" print "DATA SEND : -" print "" resp ="video") if resp.geturl()== base_url: print("OK : receive / page") else: print("NOK : not receive / page !") print "\nI'm continue with video page where an unconnect user can't normaly access :" print "PATH: /video" print "TYPE REQUEST : GET" print "DATA SEND : -" print "" resp ="video") if resp.geturl()== base_url: print("OK : redirection to /") else: print("NOK : not redirect to / !") print "\nI will know try to connect with bad login information :" print "PATH: /" print "TYPE REQUEST : POST" print "DATA SEND :" login = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(random.randint(5,10))) paswd = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(random.randint(5,10))) print "login => " + login print "paswd => " + paswd print "" login_data = urllib.urlencode({ 'id' : login, 'paswd' : paswd, }) resp =, login_data) if resp.geturl()== base_url+"unauthorized": print("OK : redirection to /unauthorized") else: print("NOK : not redirect to /unauthorized !") print "\nI will now try to force access to camera :" print "PATH: /unauthorized " print "TYPE REQUEST : POST" print "DATA SEND :" print "illegalAccess => 1" print "" login_data = urllib.urlencode({ 'illegalAccess' : '1', }) resp ="unauthorized", login_data) if resp.geturl()== base_url+"video": print("OK : redirection to /video") else: print("NOK : not redirect to /video !") print "\nI will now try to not force access to camera :" print "PATH: /unauthorized " print "TYPE REQUEST : POST" print "DATA SEND :" print "illegalAccess => 0" print "" login_data = urllib.urlencode({ 'illegalAccess' : "0", }) resp ="unauthorized", login_data) if resp.geturl()== base_url: print("OK : redirection to /") else: print("NOK : not redirect to / !") print "\nI will now try to connect with good user information :" print "PATH: / " print "TYPE REQUEST : POST" print "DATA SEND :" login = "jmi" paswd = "azerty" print "login => " + login print "paswd => " + paswd print "" login_data = urllib.urlencode({ 'id' : login, 'paswd' : paswd, }) resp =, login_data) if resp.geturl()== base_url+"video": print("OK : redirection to /video") else: print("NOK : not redirect to /video !") print "\nNow I have access to /video I will try to connect to websocket to aquire image :" print "PATH: /socket " print "TYPE REQUEST : GET" print "DATA SEND :" try : val ="" for cookie in cj : if =="user" : val = cookie.value ws = create_connection("ws://",\ header={"Cookie:user="+val}) print "Sending :ask for data" ws.send("Ask for data") print "Sent" print "Receiving..." result = ws.recv() print "Rep : " + result if result == "error": print "NOK : Response From Socket But Is An Error" else: print "OK : Receive Some Data From Socket. Can't Guaranted Is Image" ws.close() except Exception, e : print "NOK : Failed To Connect To Websocket And Received Data" print "\nI will now try to disconnect :" print "PATH: / " print "TYPE REQUEST : GET" print "DATA SEND : - " resp ="disconnection") if resp.geturl()== base_url: print("OK : redirection to /") else: print("NOK : not redirect to / !") print "\nI'm now test video for check If I Am Disconnected :" print "PATH: /video" print "TYPE REQUEST : GET" print "DATA SEND : -" print "" resp ="video") if resp.geturl()== base_url: print("OK : redirection to /") else: print("NOK : not redirect to / !") print "\nNow I Will Try To Connect To The Websocket Then I not connected :" print "PATH: /socket " print "TYPE REQUEST : GET" print "DATA SEND :" try : val ="" for cookie in cj : if =="user" : val = cookie.value ws = create_connection("ws://",\ header={"Cookie:user="+val}) print "Sending : ask for data" ws.send("Ask for data") print "Sent" print "Receiving..." result = ws.recv() print "Rep : " + result if result == "error": print "NOK : Response From Socket But Is An Error" else: print "NOK : Receive Some Data From Socket. Can't Guaranted Is Image" ws.close() except Exception, e : print "OK : Failed To Connect To Websocket And Received Data" print "\nI have finished to test MI camera server." print "Good Bye."