import tornado.ioloop import tornado.web import tornado.httpserver import tornado.websocket from tornado.ioloop import PeriodicCallback from loadConf import * from login import * confAveug = False ficLog = Login() class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def get(self): self.render("index.html") def post(self): iden = self.get_argument("id","") mdp = self.get_argument("mdp","") login = Login() autorise = login.connexion(iden, mdp) #maison = httplib.HTTPConnection("", 80) if autorise == True: ficLog.enregDansLog(iden,"Authorized user connection","IP TO DO") if confAveug == True: print '->Send audio alarm authorized user' print 'maison.request("GET", "micom/say.php?source=toto&text=Connection%20a%20la%20camera%20autorisee")' else: print '->Send visual alarm authorized user' print 'maison.request("GET", "micom/lamp.php?room=salon1&order=1")' print "->Send to client authorized user access" self.write("Authorized user access") else: ficLog.enregDansLog(iden,"Unauthorized user connection","IP TO DO") if confAveug == True: print '->Send audio alarm unauthorized user' print 'maison.request("GET", "micom/say.php?source=toto&text=Connection%20a%20la%20camera%20non%20autorisee")' else: print '->Send visual alarm unauthorized user' print 'maison.request("GET", "micom/lamp.php?room=salon1&order=1")' print "->Send to client unauthorized user access" self.write("Unauthorized user access") class VideoHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def get(self): self.render("test.html") class WSHandler(tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler): def open(self, *args): = self.get_argument("Id") clients[] = {"id":, "object": self} def on_message(self, message): """ when we receive some message we want some message handler.. for this example i will just print message to console """ print "Client %s received a message : %s" % (, message) def on_close(self): if in clients: del clients[] application = tornado.web.Application([ (r"/", MainHandler), (r"/video", VideoHandler), (r"/test", WSHandler), ]) if __name__ == "__main__": hand = LoadConf() confAveug = hand.estAveugle() if confAveug == True: print "->Blind unhabitant system configuration" else : print "->Not blind unhabitant system configuration" http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(application) http_server.listen(80) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()