import tornado.ioloop import tornado.web import tornado.httpserver import tornado.websocket import tornado.options import sys import time import base64 import socket from urllib import urlopen from tornado.ioloop import PeriodicCallback from m.loadConf import * from m.login import * from m.log import * import os config = LoadConf() blind = False ipCamera = "" portCamera = "" portServ ="" ficLog = Log() class BaseHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def get_current_user(self): return self.get_secure_cookie("user") def get_autorisation(self): return self.get_secure_cookie("auth") class MainHandler(BaseHandler): def get(self): print ("->") self.render("v/index.html") def post(self): iden = self.get_argument("id","") mdp = self.get_argument("mdp","") login = Login() autorise = login.connexion(iden, mdp) print 'maison = httplib.HTTPConnection("", 80)' self.set_secure_cookie("user", iden) if autorise == True: self.set_secure_cookie("auth", "yes") self.redirect("/video") else: print "->An unauthorized user try to access : " + self.request.remote_ip self.redirect("/unauthorized") class VideoHandler(BaseHandler): def get(self): if not self.get_autorisation and not self.get_current_user : self.redirect("/") return self.render("v/video.html") class UnauthorizedHandler(BaseHandler): def get(self): if not self.get_current_user : self.redirect("/") return self.render("v/illegal.html") def post(self): force = self.get_argument("illegalAccess","") if force == "1" : self.set_secure_cookie("auth", "no") self.redirect("/video") else : self.redirect("/") class DisconnectionHandler(BaseHandler): def post(self): self.clear_cookie("auth") self.clear_cookie("user") self.redirect("/") class WSocketHandler(BaseHandler,tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler): def open(self) : if not self.get_autorisation and not self.get_current_user : self.close() return print "->Websocket opened : " + self.request.remote_ip iden = self.current_user if self.get_autorisation == "yes": ficLog.printL(iden +" Authorized user connection " + self.request.remote_ip) if blind == True: print '->Send audio alarm authorized user' print 'maison.request("GET", "micom/say.php?source=toto&text=Connection%20a%20la%20camera%20autorisee")' else: print '->Send visual alarm authorized user' print 'maison.request("GET", "micom/lamp.php?room=salon1&order=1")' print "->Authorized user access : " + self.request.remote_ip else : ficLog.printL(iden + " as IllegalUser Unauthorized user connection" + self.request.remote_ip) if blind == True: print '->Send audio alarm unauthorized user' print 'maison.request("GET", "micom/say.php?source=toto&text=Connection%20a%20la%20camera%20non%20autorisee")' else: print '->Send visual alarm unauthorized user' print 'maison.request("GET", "micom/lamp.php?room=salon1&order=1")' print "->Unauthorized user access : " + self.request.remote_ip self.send_image() def on_message(self,mesg): print "->Data receive : " + self.request.remote_ip self.send_image() def on_close(self): print "->Websocket closed : "+self.request.remote_ip iden = self.current_user if self.get_autorisation == "yes": ficLog.printL(iden +" Authorized user deconnection " + self.request.remote_ip) else : ficLog.printL(iden + " as IllegalUser Unauthorized user deconnection" + self.request.remote_ip) if blind == True: print '->Send audio alarm deconnection user' print 'maison.request("GET", "micom/say.php?source=toto&text=Connection%20a%20la%20camera%20rompue")' else: print '->Send visual alarm deconnection user' print 'maison.request("GET", "micom/lamp.php?room=salon1&order=0")' print"->"+iden+" Deconnection : " + self.request.remote_ip def send_image(self) : try : socket.setdefaulttimeout(5) f = urlopen('http://test:a@') data = encoded = base64.b64encode(data) self.write_message(encoded) print "->Data send : " + self.request.remote_ip except Exception, e : print e self.write_message("error") application = tornado.web.Application([ (r"/", MainHandler), (r"/video", VideoHandler), (r"/unauthorized", UnauthorizedHandler), (r"/disconnection", DisconnectionHandler), (r"/socket", WSocketHandler), (r"/style/(.*)", tornado.web.StaticFileHandler,{"path":"./v/style"},), (r"/images/(.*)", tornado.web.StaticFileHandler,{"path":"./v/images"},), (r"/js/(.*)", tornado.web.StaticFileHandler,{"path":"./v/js"},)], cookie_secret="1213215656") if __name__ == "__main__": print bcolors.HEADER + "->Loading configuration ... " + bcolors.ENDC try : blind = config.isBlind() ipCamera = config.ipCamera() portCamera = config.portCamera() portServ = config.portServ() if blind == "error" : raise ConfigError("Failed Load Blind Configuration") if ipCamera == "error" : raise ConfigError("Failed Load IP Camera Configuration") if portCamera == "error" : raise ConfigError("Failed Load IP Camera Configuration") if portServ == "error" : raise ConfigError("Failed Load Port Server Configuration") except ConfigError as e : print bcolors.FAIL + e.value print "Configuration Loading Failed ! Check Configuration File !" + bcolors.ENDC sys.exit(1) print bcolors.OKGREEN + "->Configuration Server Load Successfully :" + bcolors.ENDC if blind == True: print " ->Blind unhabitant" else : print " ->Not blind unhabitant" print " ->Ip camera : " + ipCamera print " ->Port Server : " + portServ tornado.options.parse_command_line() try : print(bcolors.HEADER + "->Server Start ..."+ bcolors.ENDC) http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(application) http_server.listen(portServ) print bcolors.OKGREEN + "->Server Start Successfully !" + bcolors.ENDC tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start() except Exception, e : print bcolors.FAIL + "Server Start Failed !" + bcolors.ENDC print e sys.exit(1)