class LoadConf(object): """Loading configuration file""" def __init__(self,path): """ Define file path for load config """ self.path = path def loadValue(self, key): """ Return the value associate to the key into conf file (fichier/conf) Else return "error" """ with open(self.path , "r") as source : for ligne in source: data = ligne.rstrip('\r\n').split(' ') if data[0] == key : source.close() return data[1] source.close() return "error" def isBlind(self): """ Return true if configuration is for Blind Else false """ rep = self.loadValue("blind") if rep == "1" : return True elif rep == "0": return False else : return rep def ipCamera(self) : """ Return ipCamera configuration Else "error" """ return self.loadValue("camera") def portCamera(self) : """ Return portCamera configuration Else "error" """ return self.loadValue("portCamera") def ipServ(self) : """ Return ipServ configuration Else "error" """ return self.loadValue("serv") def portServ(self) : """ Return portServ configuration Else "error" """ return self.loadValue("portServ") def idUrlCamera(self) : """ Return idUrlCamera configuration Else "error" """ return self.loadValue("idUrlCamera") def endUrlCamera(self) : """ Return endUrlCamera configuration Else "error" """ return self.loadValue("endUrlCamera") def ipDomo(self) : """ Return ipDomoMi configuration Else "error" """ return self.loadValue("ipDomoMi") def portDomo(self) : """ Return portDomoMi configuration Else "error" """ return self.loadValue("portDomoMi") class ConfigError(Exception): """Exception : error loading configuration""" def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value)