"""Import Tornado Server""" import tornado.ioloop import tornado.web import tornado.httpserver import tornado.websocket import tornado.options from tornado.ioloop import PeriodicCallback """Other imports """ import sys import time import base64 import socket import os from urllib import urlopen import string import random """Import files""" from m.loadConf import * from m.login import * from m.log import * class GlobalVars : """ Global vars for server """ config = LoadConf() blind = False ipCamera = "" portCamera = "" endUrlCamera = "" idCamera = "" urlCamera = "" portServ = "" log = Log() urlSocket = "" authorized = 0 unauthorized = 0 class BaseHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): """ Define BaseHandler for create the basis for session connection cookie secure based (sign and timestamp ) """ def get_current_user(self): return self.get_secure_cookie("user") class MainHandler(BaseHandler): """ Main web page : / in http sever """ def get(self): """ GET request -> return index.html where user can login """ self.render("v/index.html") def post(self): """ POST request -> try to connect user with parameter POST (iden and paswd) if connection sucessfull go to the /video page (VideoHandler) else go to the /unauthorized page (UnauthorizedHandler) """ iden = self.get_argument("id","") paswd = self.get_argument("paswd","") login = Login() autorise = login.checkLogin(iden, paswd) self.set_secure_cookie("user", iden) if autorise == True: self.set_secure_cookie("user", iden,1) self.redirect("/video") else: GlobalVars.log.printL("->An unauthorized user try to access : " + self.request.remote_ip,lvl.WARNING) self.redirect("/unauthorized") class VideoHandler(BaseHandler): """ Video web page : /video in http sever """ def get(self): """ GET request -> If user is connected return video.html who allow with websocket (WSocketHandler) to see the video of the camera Else go to main page (MainHandler) """ if not self.current_user : self.redirect("/") return self.render("v/video.html", url=GlobalVars.urlSocket) class UnauthorizedHandler(BaseHandler): """ Unauthorized web page : /unauthorized in http server """ def get(self): """ GET request -> show the illegal.html page """ self.render("v/illegal.html") def post(self): """ POST request -> if parameter POST force == 1 force acess to camera else go to / page (MainHandler) """ force = self.get_argument("illegalAccess","") if force == "1" : self.set_secure_cookie("user", "IllegalUser",1) self.redirect("/video") else : self.redirect("/") class DisconnectionHandler(BaseHandler): """ /disconnection in http server """ def get(self): """ GET request -> clear session : disconnect user """ self.clear_cookie("user") self.redirect("/") class WSocketHandler(BaseHandler,tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler): """ /socket in http server websocket definition """ def open(self) : """ Open socket request -> if is a connect user open connection socket, alert the unhabitant with the good signal else don't open connection """ if not self.current_user : self.close() return GlobalVars.log.printL("->Websocket Open : " + self.request.remote_ip,lvl.SUCCESS) iden = self.current_user if iden != "IllegalUser": GlobalVars.log.printL("->"+iden + " : Authorized user connection : "+self.request.remote_ip,lvl.INFO) if blind == True: GlobalVars.authorized + 1 GlobalVars.log.printL('->Send audio alarm authorized user',lvl.INFO) self.send_signal_house('maison.request("GET", "micom/say.php?source=toto&text=Connection%20a%20la%20camera%20autorisee")') else: GlobalVars.authorized + 1 GlobalVars.log.printL('->Send visual alarm authorized user',lvl.INFO) self.send_signal_house('maison.request("GET", "micom/lamp.php?room=salon1&order=1")') else : GlobalVars.log.printL("->"+iden + ": Unauthorized user connection : " + self.request.remote_ip,lvl.WARNING) if blind == True: GlobalVars.unauthorized + 1 GlobalVars.log.printL('->Send audio alarm unauthorized user',lvl.WARNING) self.send_signal_house('maison.request("GET", "micom/say.php?source=toto&text=Connection%20a%20la%20camera%20non%20autorisee")') else: GlobalVars.unauthorized + 1 GlobalVars.log.printL('->Send visual alarm unauthorized user',lvl.WARNING) self.send_signal_house('maison.request("GET", "micom/lamp.php?room=salon1&order=1")') self.send_image() def on_message(self,mesg): """ Client Ask For Image """ GlobalVars.log.printL("->Demand Data Receive : " + self.request.remote_ip,lvl.INFO) self.send_image() def on_close(self): """ Socket connection Connection-> Alert unhabitant with the good signal """ GlobalVars.log.printL("->Websocket Closed : "+self.request.remote_ip,lvl.SUCCESS) iden = self.current_user if iden != "IllegalUser": authorized - 1 GlobalVars.log.printL("->"+iden+" : Authorized User Deconnection : "+self.request.remote_ip,lvl.INFO) else : unauthorized - 1 GlobalVars.log.printL("->"+iden +" : Unauthorized User Deconnection : "+self.request.remote_ip,lvl.WARNING) if blind == True: if (GlobalVars.unauthorized == 0) and (authorized == 0): GlobalVars.log.printL('->Send Audio Alarm Deconnection User', lvl.INFO) self.send_signal_house('maison.request("GET", "micom/say.php?source=toto&text=Connection%20a%20la%20camera%20rompue")') else: if (GlobalVars.unauthorized == 0) and (authorized == 0): GlobalVars.log.printL('->Send Visual Alarm Deconnection User ...',lvl.INFO) self.send_signal_house('maison.request("GET", "micom/lamp.php?room=salon1&order=0")') def send_signal_house(self, pRq) : """ Allow send pRq request to the house """ GlobalVars.log.printL('maison = httplib.HTTPConnection("", 80)',lvl.DEBUG) try : GlobalVars.log.printL('maison.request("GET",'+pRq,lvl.DEBUG) GlobalVars.log.printL("->Signal To House Send Successfully", lvl.SUCCESS) except Exception, e : GlobalVars.log.printL(e, lvl.FAIL) GlobalVars.log.printL("->Signal To House Send Failed", lvl.FAIL) def send_image(self) : """ Allow send the image in the websocket """ try : socket.setdefaulttimeout(5) f = urlopen(urlCamera) data = f.read() encoded = base64.b64encode(data) self.write_message(encoded) GlobalVars.log.printL( "->Image Data Send : " + self.request.remote_ip, lvl.INFO) except Exception, e : GlobalVars.log.printL(e,lvl.FAIL) self.write_message("error") application = tornado.web.Application([ (r"/", MainHandler), (r"/video", VideoHandler), (r"/unauthorized", UnauthorizedHandler), (r"/disconnection", DisconnectionHandler), (r"/socket", WSocketHandler), (r"/(favicon.ico)", tornado.web.StaticFileHandler,{"path":"./v/images"},), (r"/style/(.*)", tornado.web.StaticFileHandler,{"path":"./v/style"},), (r"/images/(.*)", tornado.web.StaticFileHandler,{"path":"./v/images"},), (r"/js/(.*)", tornado.web.StaticFileHandler,{"path":"./v/js"},)], cookie_secret=''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(64))) if __name__ == "__main__": GlobalVarsGlobalVars.log.printL("->Loading configuration ... ",lvl.INFO) try : GlobalVars.blind = config.isBlind() GlobalVars.ipCamera = config.ipCamera() GlobalVars.portCamera = config.portCamera() GlobalVars.idCamera = config.idCamera() GlobalVars.endUrlCamera = config.endUrlCamera() GlobalVars.ipServ = config.ipServ() GlobalVars.portServ = config.portServ() if blind == "error" : raise ConfigError("Failed Load Blind Configuration") if ipCamera == "error" : raise ConfigError("Failed Load IP Camera Configuration") if portCamera == "error" : raise ConfigError("Failed Load Port Camera Configuration") if idCamera == "error" : raise ConfigError("Failed Load ID Camera Configuration") if endUrlCamera == "error" : raise ConfigError("Failed Load ID Camera Configuration") if ipServ == "error" : raise ConfigError("Failed Load IP Server Configuration") if portServ == "error" : raise ConfigError("Failed Load Port Server Configuration") except ConfigError as e : GlobalVars.log.printL(e.value,lvl.FAIL) GlobalVars.log.printL("Configuration Loading Failed ! Check Configuration File !",lvl.FAIL) sys.exit(1) GlobalVars.log.printL("->Configuration Server Load Successfully !",lvl.SUCCESS) if blind == True: GlobalVars.log.printL(" +Blind unhabitant",lvl.INFO) else : GlobalVars.log.printL(" +Not blind unhabitant",lvl.INFO) GlobalVars.log.printL(" +Ip Camera : " + GlobalVars.ipCamera,lvl.INFO) GlobalVars.log.printL(" +Port Camera : " + GlobalVars.portCamera,lvl.INFO) GlobalVars.log.printL(" +Ip Server : " + GlobalVars.ipServ,lvl.INFO) GlobalVars.log.printL(" +Port Server : " + GlobalVars.portServ,lvl.INFO) print "" GlobalVars.urlSocket = 'ws://'+GlobalVars.ipServ+':'+GlobalVars.portCamera+'/socket' GlobalVars.urlCamera = 'http://'+GlobalVars.idCamera+'@'+GlobalVars.ipCamera+':'+GlobalVars.portCamera+'/'+GlobalVars.endUrlCamera GlobalVars.log.printL("->Ping camera ...",lvl.INFO) try : socket.setdefaulttimeout(30) urlopen(GlobalVars.urlCamera) GlobalVars.log.printL( "->Camera OK ", lvl.SUCCESS) except Exception, e : GlobalVars.log.printL("->WARNING : Camera Unreachable! Check Camera Configuration!",lvl.FAIL) print "" try : GlobalVars.log.printL("->Server Start ...",lvl.INFO) tornado.options.parse_command_line() http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(application) http_server.listen(GlobalVars.portServ) GlobalVars.log.printL("->Server Start Successfully !",lvl.SUCCESS) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start() except Exception, e : GlobalVars.log.printL("Server Start Failed !",lvl.FAIL) sys.exit(1)