Dog is Not a Chat Protocol - DNC/1.0 Status of this Memo This document specifies an Internet communication protocol. Please refer to this document for the standardization state and status if you want to use DNC. Distribution of this memo is unlimited. Abstract The DNC protocol was developed over 2015. It was first implemented as a learning purpose for learn how the network work. The DNC protocol is a text-based protocol allowing the simplest TCP client being capable of connecting to the server. Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Server 1.2 Clients 2. THE DNC SPECIFICATIONS 2.1 Connection 2.2 Nickname format 2.3 File transfert 2.4 Client commands 2.5 Server commands 3. Return Code 3.1 Info 3.2 Success 3.3 Error 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Server The server forms the backbone of the DNC protocol, providing a way to connect the clients together to talk or to send files. 1.2 Clients A client is connected to a server. Each client is distinguishable by his unique pseudonym having between three (3) and fifteen (15) characters. 2. THE DNC SPECIFICATIONS 2.1 Connection DNC uses the TCP protocol. The server and the client must implements a TCP socket to communicate together. When a client open the connection with the server, he must send /newname for choose this pseudo. If he tries another command, he will receive a ERR_NO_NICKNAME. He receives one message: (Response from the nickname request) (Paragraph 2.5 for more details on theses commands) 2.2 Nickname format Everytime you see the tag in this document means you have to respect the following rules for this pattern: The string must contains between three (3) and fifteen (15) characters. Characters allowed are all the letters in uppercase or lowercase, the numbers, and the underscore: = 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' = '0' .. '9' = '_' 2.3 File transfert Peer-to-peer (P2P) is a computer network model close to client-server model but where each client is also a server. It’s just necessary to specify the receiver, and the port where the transfert will happens. The communication is done in TCP. There is three steps to send a file. 1 - the client has to send a message to the server asking to send a file to another client and precise the port. 2 - Then, the server send a message to the receiver of the file to know if he wants the file. 3 - If the receiver accepts the file, the server sends him the ip and the port where the tcp is configured. The server also send a confirmation message to the emitter to tell him he can open the socket. Otherwise, the server sends a message to the sender saying the receiver doesn’t want to download the file. 2.4 Client commands 2.4.1 Ask for a private discussion Command: /askpm Parameters: This command ask the client given in parameter for a private chat. Server replies: SUCC_INVITED ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND ALREADY_ASKED 2.4.2 Accept a private discussion Command: /acceptpm Parameters: This command allows the user to start a new conversation with the client given in parameter. He must receive the /askpm command before. Server replies: to sender SUCC_PRIVATE_DISCUSSION_ACCEPTED ERR_USER_HAS_NOT_ASK to “nickname” : SUCC_PRIVATE_DISCUSSION_OK 2.4.3 Reject a private discussion Command: /rejectpm Parameters: This command finishes or refuses the conversation with the client given in parameter. He must send the /askpm command before. Server replies: to sender : SUCC_PRIVATE_DISCUSSION_REFUSED ERR_USER_HAS_NOT_ASK to “nickname” : SUCC_SUCC_PRIVATE_DISCUSSION_REJECTED 2.4.4 Quit Command: /quit Parameters: None The client ends the connection. It’s used for a clean exit on the server, but it’s also possible to detect when the socket ends. Server replies: SUCCESSFUL_LOGOUT ERR_LOGOUT 2.4.5 Private messages Command: /pm Parameters: PRIVMSG is used to send private messages between users. The user must accept the conversation before with /acceptpm. is the nickname of the receiver of the message. is the text to be send to the receiver. and cannot be empty. Server replies: If the message is successfully sended, the server replies by : “SUCC_PM_SENDED” If the receiver is not found, the server replies by : “ERR_DEST_NOT_FOUND” If the conversation is not accepted yet, the server replies by : “ERR_NOT_ACCEPTED” 2.4.6 Disable messages Command: /disable Parameters: None The user stays connected, but don’t receive channel messages and private messages anymore. Server replies: success :: SUCC_DISABLED ERR_NOT_ENABLED 2.4.7 Enable messages Command: /enable Parameters: None This command can only be used after the /disable command. It has the reverse effect. Server replies: SUCC_ENABLED ERR_NOT_DISABLED 2.4.8 Change nickname Command: /name Parameters: Allows the user to change his nickname to another. The user must specifies the new nickname in parameter. It must respects the correct format for . Server replies: SUCC_VALID_NICKNAME ERR_INVALID_NICKNAME ERR_NICKNAME_ALREADY_USED 2.4.9 Send a file to an user Command: /pmfile Parameters: The client who wants to send the file sends a request to the file receiver. The request contains the file name and the ip adress of the sender. Server replies: SUCC_ASKED_FILE 2.4.10 Accept file transfert Command: /acceptfile Parameters: This command is used in parallel with the rejectfile command to reply to the pmfile command. By using this command, the client will accept receiving a file sended by the client using the pmfile command by the specific port Server replies: SUCC_ACCEPTED_FILE ERR_NO_FILE_ASKED 2.4.11 Reject file transfert Command: /rejectfile Parameters: This command is used in parallel with the acceptfile command to reply to the pmfile command. By using this command, the client will reject the file sended by the client using the pmfile command. Server replies: SUCC_REJECTED_FILE ERR_NO_FILE_ASKED 2.4.12 New nickname Command: /newname Parameters: Allows the user to choose this for at connection. Server replies: SUCC_VALID_NICKNAME ERR_INVALID_NICKNAME ERR_NICKNAME_ALREADY_USED 2.4.13 Get Users Online Connected Commande : /userlist Parameters : None Request the server to get the userlist connected. Server replies : USERLIST ... 2.4.14 Get Users Away Connected Commande : /userlistaway Parameters : None Request the server to get the userlist away. Server replies : USERLISTAWAY ... 2.5 Server commands If the user don’t have a nickname the server return CMD_NOT_ALLOWED USERLIST < nickname> triggered on : User connection target: the user who connect USERLISTAWAY < nickname> HAS_JOIN HAS_LEFT triggered on : User disconnection target: everyone connected to the server NAME_CHANGED ASKING_FOR_PM NEW_PM NEW_MSG ERR_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND (no param) CAN_SEND_FILE CANNOT_SEND_FILE 2.5.2 Transfer private file /pmfile jean C:/read.txt Retour: SUCC_ASKED_FILE | ERR_ALREADY_ONE_FILE_ASKED | ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND.... Récepteur : HAS_ASKED_FILE michel C:/read.txt /acceptfile michel 2568 C:/read.txt Retour: SUCC_ACCEPTED_FILE //ip sender for the client can check the origin of transfert Récepteur : CAN_SEND_FILE jean 31.52.313.123 2568 C:/read.txt 2.5.3 enable / disable When a user becomes disable or enable, a message warns everyone IS_NOW_DISABLE IS_NOW_ENABLE triggered on: /disable user sended to: everybody except the user who did it 3. Return Code 3.1 Info 300: USERLIST_ENABLE Ex: 300 Jean Dupont Alex Martin 301: USERLIST_DISABLE 302: HAS_JOIN 303: HAS_LEFT 304: NEW_MSG 305: NAME_CHANGED 305 306: NEW_PM 307:ASKING_FOR_PM 308: PRIVATE_DISCU_ACCEPTED_FROM 309: PRIVATE_DISCU_REFUSED_FROM 310: IS_NOW_ENABLE 311:IS_NOW_DISABLE 312: HAS_ASKED_FILE 313: CAN_SEND_FILE 314: HAS_REJECT_FILE 3.2 Success 200: SUCC_CHANNEL_JOINED 201: SUCC_CHANNEL_QUIT 202: SUCC_MESSAGE_SENDED 203: SUCC_NICKNAME_CHANGED 204:SUCC_VALID_NICKNAME 205: SUCC_PM_SENDED 206: SUCCESSFUL_ASKED_CONV 207: SUCCESSFUL_ACCEPTED_CONV 208: SUCCESSFUL_REFUSED_CONV 209: SUCC_ENABLED 210: SUCC_DISABLED 211: SUCC_PMFILE 212: SUCC_ACCEPTED_FILE 213: SUCC_REFUSED_FILE 3.3 Error 400 : ERR_NICKNAME_ALREADY_USED 401 : ERR_NO_NICKNAME 402: ERR_CONV_NOT_ALLOWED 403: DEST_NOT_FOUND 404: ERR_ALREADY_ASKED_FOR_PM 405: ERR_NO_INVIT_TO_CONV_FOUND 406: ERR_UNKNOWN_ACCEPTED_FILE 407: COMMAND_NOT_FOUND 408: ERR_INVALID_NICKNAME 409 : ERR_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR 410 : ERR_NOT_DISABLED 411 : ERR_NOT_ENABLED