from view.main import Ui_MainWindow from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore from PySide.QtCore import * from PySide.QtGui import * import time, threading, datetime, time, random,re from socket import * from view.pmWindow import Ui_Dialog2 from view.pmFile import Ui_Dialog3 import configparser import pydoc from threading import * ######################################################### ## # this class can receive files sent by p2p # to run this class, we need to do : # s = StreamHandler(portFile, fileName) # s.start() # class StreamHandler (Thread): """ this class can receive files sent by p2p to run this class, we need to do : s = StreamHandler(portFile, fileName) s.start() """ def __init__(self, port, filename): """ :param port: the port of the new connection :param filename: the name of the file you wish to receive :return: """ Thread.__init__(self) self.port = port self.filename = filename def run(self): """ Execute the process function :return: """ self.process() def bindmsock(self): """ creation of a new socket for the p2p transfert file :return: """ self.msock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) self.msock.bind(('', int(self.port))) self.msock.listen(1) print('[Media] Listening on port'+self.port) def acceptmsock(self): """ Get the address of the connection :return: """ self.mconn, self.maddr = self.msock.accept() print('[Media] Got connection from', self.maddr) def acceptcsock(self): """ accept to receive the file :return: """ self.cconn, self.maddr = self.csock.accept() print('[Control] Got connection from'+ self.maddr) while 1: data = self.cconn.recv(1024) if not data: break if data[0:4] == "SEND": self.filename = data[5:] print ('[Control] Getting ready to receive ' + self.filename) break def transfer( self ): """ Starting the transfert of the file :return: """ print('[Media] Starting media transfer for ' + self.filename) f = open("download/" + self.filename,"wb") while 1: data = self.mconn.recv(1024) if not data: break f.write(data) f.close() print('[Media] Got ' + self.filename) print('[Media] Closing media transfer for ' + self.filename) def close(self): """ We close the connection :return: """ self.mconn.close() self.msock.close() def process(self): """ function who start all the function :return: """ self.bindmsock() self.acceptmsock() self.transfer() self.close() ######################################################### class MySignal(QObject): sig = Signal(str) class MyLongThread(QThread): def __init__(self, parent = None): QThread.__init__(self, parent) self.exiting = False self.signal = MySignal() def run(self): end = time.time()+10 while not self.exiting: sys.stdout.write('*') sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1) now = time.time() if now >= end: self.exiting=True self.signal.sig.emit('OK') class MyThread(QThread): def __init__(self, parent = None): QThread.__init__(self, parent) self.exiting = False def run(self): self.s.settimeout(None) data = self.s.recv(4096) messgServeur = (data.decode()) self.gui.setNewMsg(messgServeur) def setConfig(self,s,gui): self.s = s self.gui = gui ######################################################### class privateFile(): def __init__(self, main, s, pseudoFile): """ new windows for the p2p :param main: :param s: :param pseudoFile: pseudo of the people who need to send the file :return: """ self.main = main self.s = s self.pseudoFile = pseudoFile self.g = QtGui.QWidget() self.ui = Ui_Dialog3() self.ui.setupUi(self.g) self.ui.label_2.setText(self.pseudoFile) self.ui.pushButton_2.clicked.connect(self.selectFile) self.ui.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.sendFile) def sendFile(self): """ Send to the sever the command : /pmfile + pseudo to send + name of the file :return: """ if self.ui.lineEdit.text() != "": self.ui.lineEdit.setText("") self.s.settimeout(5.0) try: print(self.cmd1.encode()) self.s.send(self.cmd1.encode()) self.g.close() except timeout: self.ShowMessageErreur("Erreur : Timeout. Le serveur ne repond pas") def selectFile(self): """ buttton to open and chose the file to send and create the name of the command :return: """ nomFile = ' '.join(QFileDialog.getOpenFileName()) self.ui.lineEdit.setText('/pmfile '+self.pseudoFile+ " "+nomFile ) self.cmd1 = self.ui.lineEdit.text() self.bob = ' '.join(nomFile.split("/")[-1:]) ######################################################### class privateMessage() : def __init__(self,main,s, pmPerson, pmPerso): """ new windows for a private conversation :param main: :param s: :param pmPerson: :param pmPerso: :return: """ self.main = main self.s = s self.pmPerso = pmPerso self.pmPerson = pmPerson self.g = QtGui.QWidget() self.ui = Ui_Dialog2() self.ui.setupUi(self.g) self.message_buffer2 = "" self.g.setWindowState(self.g.windowState() & ~QtCore.Qt.WindowMinimized | QtCore.Qt.WindowActive) self.g.activateWindow() Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint self.queueMsg2=[] self.thread = MyThread() self.thread.finished.connect(self.UpdateChatP) self.ui.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.send) self.ui.lineEdit.returnPressed.connect(self.send) self.ui.pushButton_4.clicked.connect(self.reject) self.ui.pushButton_3.clicked.connect(self.accept) self.ui.label_2.setText(pmPerson) def codeNb(self, txt): """ converted a return code (info and succes) in the message :param txt: code from the server :return: info, String return from server """ if txt == "300": info = "USERLIST" elif txt == "301": info = "USERAWAY" elif txt == "302": info = "HAS_JOIN" elif txt == "303": info = "HAS_LEFT" elif txt == "304": info = "NEW_MSG" elif txt == "305": info = "NAME_CHANGED" elif txt == "306": info = "NEW_PM" elif txt == "307": info = "ASKING_FOR_PM" elif txt == "308": info = "PRIVATE_DISCU_ACCEPTED_FROM" elif txt == "309": info = "PRIVATE_DISCU_REFUSED_FROM" elif txt == "310": info = "IS_NOW_ENABLE" elif txt == "311": info = "IS_NOW_DISABLE" elif txt == "312": info = "HAS_ASKED_FILE" elif txt == "313": info = "CAN_SEND_FILE" elif txt == "314": info = "HAS_REJECT_FILE" elif txt == "200" or txt == "200300": info = "SUCC_CHANNEL_JOINED" elif txt == "200300": info = "SUCC_CHANNEL_JOINED USERLIST" elif txt == "201": info = "SUCC_CHANNEL_QUIT" elif txt == "202": info = "SUCC_MESSAGE_SENDED" elif txt == "203": info = "SUCC_NICKNAME_CHANGED" elif txt == "204": info = "SUCC_VALID_NICKNAME" elif txt == "205": info = "SUCC_PM_SENDED" elif txt == "206": info = "SUCCESSFUL_ASKED_CONV" elif txt == "207": info = "SUCCESSFUL_ACCEPTED_CONV" elif txt == "208": info = "SUCCESSFUL_REFUSED_CONV" elif txt == "209": info = "SUCC_ENABLED" elif txt == "210": info = "SUCC_DISABLED" elif txt == "211": info = "SUCC_PMFILE" elif txt == "212": info = "SUCC_ACCEPTED_FILE" elif txt == "213": info = "SUCC_REFUSED_FILE" else: info = txt return info def reject(self): """ if a user reject a pm conversation :return: """ self.cmRej = "/rejectpm "+self.pmPerson self.s.settimeout(5.0) try: self.s.send(self.cmRej.encode()) except timeout: self.ShowMessageErreur("Erreur : Timeout. Le serveur ne repond pas") self.ui.txtOutput.setText(self.message_buffer2) sb = self.ui.txtOutput.verticalScrollBar() sb.setValue(sb.maximum()) def accept(self): """ if a user accept a pm with another user :return: """ self.cmAcc = "/acceptpm "+self.pmPerson self.s.settimeout(5.0) try: self.s.send(self.cmAcc.encode()) except timeout: self.ShowMessageErreur("Erreur : Timeout. Le serveur ne repond pas") self.ui.txtOutput.setText(self.message_buffer2) sb = self.ui.txtOutput.verticalScrollBar() sb.setValue(sb.maximum()) def htmlToText( self, html ): """ converted some characters written by the user (html tag, smiley) :param html: message written by an user :return: html, message converted """ html = html.replace('&', '&') html = html.replace('>', '>') html = html.replace('<', '"') html = html.replace(':-)', 'Smiley face') html = html.replace(':-(', 'sad face') html = html.replace(':-p', 'langue face') html = html.replace(';-)', 'oeil face') html = html.replace(':-D', 'very happy face') html = html.replace(':-o', 'etonne face') html = html.replace(':\'(', 'cry face') html = html.replace('(y)', 'like face') html = html.replace('8|', 'lunette face') html = html.replace('3:)', 'hell face') html = html.replace(':pedobear', 'hell face') html = html.replace(':homer', 'homer face') html = html.replace(':dalek', 'homer face') html = html.replace(':tardis', 'homer face') return html def ShowMessageErreur(self, txt): """ Show with color message from the server with error :param txt:message from server :return: message with color """ self.message_buffer2 += '
' + self.htmlToText(txt) + ' ' def send(self): """ send the message written in the pm conversation :return: """ self.cmdP = self.ui.lineEdit.text() if self.cmdP != "": self.ui.lineEdit.setText('') self.s.settimeout(5.0) self.cmd = "/pm " +self.pmPerson+ " " + self.cmdP self.s.settimeout(5.0) try: self.s.send(self.cmd.encode()) except timeout: self.ShowMessageErreur("Erreur : Timeout. Le serveur ne repond pas") self.ui.txtOutput.setText(self.message_buffer2) sb = self.ui.txtOutput.verticalScrollBar() sb.setValue(sb.maximum()) def UpdateChatP(self): """ update the chat box :return: """ if self.queueMsg2 : m = self.queueMsg2.pop(0) if m : self.thread.start() self.ShowMessageAsTextPm(m) def getTimeStamp(self): """ the time format: H:M :return: time """ return ('[%s] ' % str(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(time.time())).strftime('%H:%M'))) def ShowMessageAsTextPm(self, txt): """ add txt to the buffer with the time and color :param txt: message from sever :return: """ #self.message_buffer2 += '
'+self.codeNb(txt)+'' if self.codeNb(txt.split(" ")[0]) == "SUCC_PRIVATE_DISCUSSION_REFUSED": self.g.close() if self.codeNb(txt.split(" ")[0]) == "SUCC_PRIVATE_DISCUSSION_REJECTED": self.g.close() if self.codeNb(txt.split(" ")[0]) == "SUCC_PM_SENDED": self.message_buffer2 += '
' + self.getTimeStamp() + ' < '+self.pmPerso +' > ' + self.htmlToText(self.cmdP) + '' if self.codeNb(txt.split(" ")[0]) == "SUCC_PRIVATE_DISCUSSION_ACCEPTED": self.message_buffer2 += '
Chalange Accepted ! ' self.ui.pushButton_4.setDisabled(True) self.ui.pushButton_3.setDisabled(True) if self.codeNb(txt.split(" ")[0]) == "PRIVATE_DISCU_ACCEPTED_FROM": self.message_buffer2 += '
Private discussion with '+txt.split(" ")[1]+' accepted ! ' self.ui.pushButton_4.setDisabled(True) self.ui.pushButton_3.setDisabled(True) if self.codeNb(txt.split(" ")[0]) == "NEW_PM" : self.message_buffer2 += '
' + self.getTimeStamp() + ' < '+ txt.split(" ")[1] +' > ' + self.htmlToText(' '.join(txt.split(" ")[2:])) + '' self.ui.txtOutput.setText(self.message_buffer2) sb = self.ui.txtOutput.verticalScrollBar() sb.setValue(sb.maximum()) ###################################################################################################################### class start(QtGui.QMainWindow): def __init__(self): """ Main Windows with the main conversation :return: """ super(start, self).__init__() self.queueMsg= [] self.thread = MyThread() self.thread.finished.connect(self.UpdateChat) self.createWidgets() def setNewMsg (self,msg) : """ add msg to the queueMsg :param msg: :return: """ self.queueMsg.append(msg) def getTimeStamp(self): """ the time format: H:M :return: time """ return('[%s] ' % str(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(time.time())).strftime('%H:%M'))) def htmlToText( self, html): """ converted some characters written by the user (html tag, smiley) :param html: message written by an user :return: html, message converted """ html = html.replace('&', '&') html = html.replace('>', '>') html = html.replace('<', '"') html = html.replace(':-)', 'Smiley face') html = html.replace(':-(', 'sad face') html = html.replace(':-p', 'langue face') html = html.replace(';-)', 'oeil face') html = html.replace(':-D', 'very happy face') html = html.replace(':-o', 'etonne face') html = html.replace(':\'(', 'cry face') html = html.replace('(y)', 'like face') html = html.replace('8|', 'lunette face') html = html.replace('3:)', 'hell face') html = html.replace(':pedobear', 'hell face') html = html.replace(':homer', 'homer face') html = html.replace(':dalek', 'homer face') html = html.replace(':tardis', 'homer face') return html def ShowMessageErreur(self, txt): """ add to the buffer an erreur message with color :param txt:message from the server :return: """ self.message_buffer += '
'+ self.htmlToText(txt) +' ' def ShowMessageOK(self, txt): """ add to the buffer a good message with style :param txt:message from the server :return: """ self.message_buffer += '
'+ self.htmlToText(txt) +' ' def ShowMessageInfo (self, txt): """ add to the buffer an info message with style :param txt:message from the server :return: """ self.message_buffer += '
'+ self.htmlToText(txt) +' ' def ShowMessageAsText(self, txt): """ add to the buffer message from the server with style and run some function :param txt:message from the server :return: """ #self.message_buffer += '
'+ self.codeNb(str(txt)) +' ' if re.match("^4", txt): self.ShowMessageErreur("Erreur ! : " + self.errNb(txt)) if self.codeNb(txt.split(" ")[0]) == "IS_NOW_DISABLE": self.ShowMessageInfo(txt.split(" ")[1]+" is Away From Keyboard") self.ui.listNames.clear() self.ui.listNames_2.clear() self.s.send("/userlist".encode()) self.s.send("/userlistaway".encode()) if self.codeNb(txt.split(" ")[0]) == "IS_NOW_ENABLE": self.ShowMessageInfo(txt.split(" ")[1]+" is Back !!") self.ui.listNames.clear() self.ui.listNames_2.clear() self.s.send("/userlist".encode()) self.s.send("/userlistaway".encode()) if self.codeNb(txt.split(" ")[0]) == "HAS_ASKED_FILE": self.ShowMessageOK(txt.split(" ")[1]+" share a file with you, do you want download "+' '.join(txt.split(" ")[2].split("/")[-1:])+" ?") self.questionMessage(txt.split(" ")[1],txt.split(" ")[2]) self.fileNom = ' '.join(txt.split(" ")[2].split("/")[-1:]) if self.codeNb(txt.split(" ")[0]) == "SUCC_ASKED_FILE": self.ShowMessageOK("Succes asked file") if self.codeNb(txt.split(" ")[0]) == "SUCC_ACCEPTED_FILE": self.ShowMessageOK("accepted file on ip "+txt.split(" ")[1]) s = StreamHandler(self.portFile, self.fileNom) s.start() if self.codeNb(txt.split(" ")[0]) == "CAN_SEND_FILE": self.ShowMessageOK("file can be send ") ms = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) print(txt.split(" ")[2]+" "+txt.split(" ")[3]) ms.connect((str(txt.split(" ")[2]), int(txt.split(" ")[3]))) f = open(txt.split(" ")[4], "rb") data = f.close() ms.send(data) ms.close() if self.codeNb(txt.split(" ")[0]) == "SUCCESSFUL_ACCEPTED_CONV": self.message_buffer += '
PRIVATE DISCUSSION ? challenge accepted ! ' self.private2.ShowMessageAsTextPm("SUCC_PRIVATE_DISCUSSION_ACCEPTED") if self.codeNb(txt.split(" ")[0]) == "PRIVATE_DISCU_ACCEPTED_FROM": self.message_buffer += '
PRIVATE DISCUSSION WITH '+txt.split(" ")[1] + ' ? challenge accepted ! ' self.private2.ShowMessageAsTextPm(txt) if self.codeNb(txt.split(" ")[0]) == "SUCCESSFUL_ASKED_CONV": self.ShowMessageOK("invitation requested") self.private2 = privateMessage(self, self.s, self.demande, self.pseudo) if self.codeNb(txt.split(" ")[0]) == "ASKING_FOR_PM": self.ShowMessageOK("private discution from "+ txt.split(" ")[1]) self.private2 = privateMessage(self,self.s,txt.split(" ")[1], self.pseudo) if self.codeNb(txt.split(" ")[0]) == "SUCC_PM_SENDED": self.private2.ShowMessageAsTextPm(txt.split(" ")[0]) if self.codeNb(txt.split(" ")[0]) == "NEW_PM": self.private2.ShowMessageAsTextPm(txt) if self.codeNb(txt.split(" ")[0]) == "SUCC_PRIVATE_DISCUSSION_REFUSED": self.private2.ShowMessageAsTextPm(txt) self.ShowMessageOK("Private discussion refused !!") if self.codeNb(txt.split(" ")[0]) == "SUCC_PRIVATE_DISCUSSION_REJECTED": self.private2.ShowMessageAsTextPm(txt) self.ShowMessageOK(txt.split(" ")[1]+" Rejected your Private discussion !!") if self.codeNb(txt.split(" ")[0]) == "SUCC_CHANNEL_QUIT": self.ShowMessageOK("You have logged out of the DNC !") self.ui.listNames.clear() self.ui.listNames_2.clear() self.ui.lineEdit.setDisabled(True) self.ui.pushButton.setDisabled(True) self.ui.pushButton_2.setDisabled(False) self.ui.pushButton_3.setDisabled(True) self.ui.pushButton_6.setDisabled(True) self.ui.lineEdit_4.setDisabled(False) self.ui.lineEdit_3.setDisabled(False) if self.codeNb(txt.split(" ")[0]) == "SUCC_DISABLED": self.ShowMessageOK("You are AFK !") self.ui.listNames.clear() self.ui.listNames_2.clear() self.s.send("/userlist".encode()) self.s.send("/userlistaway".encode()) if self.codeNb(txt.split(" ")[0]) == "SUCC_ENABLED": self.ShowMessageOK("You are back !") self.ui.listNames.clear() self.ui.listNames_2.clear() self.s.send("/userlist".encode()) self.s.send("/userlistaway".encode()) if self.codeNb(txt.split(" ")[0]) == "SUCC_NICKNAME_CHANGED": self.ShowMessageOK("Sucessful nickname change !") self.ui.listNames.clear() self.s.send("/userlist".encode()) if self.errNb(txt.split(" ")[0]) == "ERR_INVALID_NICKNAME": self.pseudo = "INVALID_NICKNAME" if self.codeNb(txt.split(" ")[0]) == "NAME_CHANGED": self.ShowMessageNameChange(txt.split(" ")[1], txt.split(" ")[2]) self.ui.listNames.clear() self.s.send("/userlist".encode()) if self.codeNb(txt.split(" ")[0]) == "HAS_JOIN" : self.ShowMessageHasJoin(txt.split(" ")[1]) self.ui.listNames.addItem(txt.split(" ")[1]) if self.codeNb(txt.split(" ")[0]) == "HAS_LEFT" : self.ShowMessageHasLeft(txt.split(" ")[1]) self.ui.listNames.clear() self.s.send("/userlist".encode()) if self.codeNb(txt.split(" ")[0]) == "SUCC_CHANNEL_JOINED" or txt.split(" ")[0] == "200": self.ShowMessageHasJoin(self.pseudo) self.ui.listNames.clear() self.ui.listNames_2.clear() self.s.send("/userlist".encode()) self.s.send("/userlistaway".encode()) if self.errNb(txt.split(" ")[0]) == "ERR_NICKNAME_ALREADY_USED": self.deco() if re.compile('USERLIST').search(self.codeNb(txt.split(" ")[0])): self.ui.listNames.clear() n = len(txt.split(" ")[1:]) + 1 for i in range(1, n): self.ui.listNames.addItem(str(txt.split(" ")[i]).replace("301", "")) #print(str(txt.split(" ")[1:])) if re.compile('USERAWAY').search(self.codeNb(txt.split(" ")[0])): self.ui.listNames_2.clear() n = len(txt.split(" ")[1:]) + 1 for i in range(1, n): self.ui.listNames_2.addItem(str(txt.split(" ")[i])) #print(str(txt.split(" ")[1:])) if self.codeNb(txt.split(" ")[0]) == "NEW_MSG" : self.message_buffer += '
' + self.getTimeStamp() + ' < '+txt.split(" ")[1] +' > ' + self.htmlToText(' '.join(txt.split(" ")[2:])) + '' if self.codeNb(txt) == "SUCC_MESSAGE_SENDED" : self.message_buffer += '
' + self.getTimeStamp() + ' < '+ self.pseudo +' > ' + self.htmlToText(self.cmd) + '' def errNb (self, txt): """ converted a return error code in the message :param txt: code from the server :return: String message """ if txt == "400": info = "ERR_NICKNAME_ALREADY_USED" elif txt == "401": info = "ERR_NO_NICKNAME" elif txt == "402": info = "ERR_CONV_NOT_ALLOWED" elif txt == "403": info = "DEST_NOT_FOUND" elif txt == "404": info = "ERR_ALREADY_ASKED_FOR_PM" elif txt == "405": info = "ERR_NO_INVIT_TO_CONV_FOUND" elif txt == "406": info = "ERR_UNKNOWN_ACCEPTED_FILE" elif txt == "407": info = "COMMAND_NOT_FOUND" elif txt == "408": info = "ERR_INVALID_NICKNAME" else: info ="ERREUR " + txt return info def codeNb (self, txt): """ converted a return code in the message :param txt: code from the server :return: info, String return from server """ if txt == "300": info = "USERLIST" elif txt == "301": info = "USERAWAY" elif txt == "302": info = "HAS_JOIN" elif txt == "303": info = "HAS_LEFT" elif txt == "304": info = "NEW_MSG" elif txt == "305": info = "NAME_CHANGED" elif txt == "306": info = "NEW_PM" elif txt == "307": info = "ASKING_FOR_PM" elif txt == "308": info = "PRIVATE_DISCU_ACCEPTED_FROM" elif txt == "309": info = "PRIVATE_DISCU_REFUSED_FROM" elif txt == "310": info = "IS_NOW_ENABLE" elif txt == "311": info = "IS_NOW_DISABLE" elif txt == "312": info = "HAS_ASKED_FILE" elif txt == "313": info = "CAN_SEND_FILE" elif txt == "314": info = "HAS_REJECT_FILE" elif txt == "200" or txt=="200300": info = "SUCC_CHANNEL_JOINED" elif txt == "200300" : info = "SUCC_CHANNEL_JOINED USERLIST" elif txt == "201": info = "SUCC_CHANNEL_QUIT" elif txt == "202": info = "SUCC_MESSAGE_SENDED" elif txt == "203": info = "SUCC_NICKNAME_CHANGED" elif txt == "204": info = "SUCC_VALID_NICKNAME" elif txt == "205": info = "SUCC_PM_SENDED" elif txt == "206": info = "SUCCESSFUL_ASKED_CONV" elif txt == "207": info = "SUCCESSFUL_ACCEPTED_CONV" elif txt == "208": info = "SUCCESSFUL_REFUSED_CONV" elif txt == "209": info = "SUCC_ENABLED" elif txt == "210": info = "SUCC_DISABLED" elif txt == "211": info = "SUCC_PMFILE" elif txt == "212": info = "SUCC_ACCEPTED_FILE" elif txt == "213": info = "SUCC_REFUSED_FILE" else: info = txt return info def ShowMessageHasJoin(self, txt): """ adds a message to the buffer to alert users that a person has joined the dnc :param txt: user name :return: """ self.message_buffer += '
'+ self.htmlToText(txt) +' has joined DNC ' def ShowMessageHasLeft(self, txt): """ adds a message to the buffer to alert users that a person has left the dnc :param txt: user name :return: """ self.message_buffer += '
'+ self.htmlToText(txt) +' has left DNC ' def ShowMessageNameChange(self, txt, txt2): """ adds a message to the buffer to alert users that a person change his name :param txt: old name :param txt2:new name :return: """ self.message_buffer += '
'+ self.htmlToText(txt) +' is now : '+self.htmlToText(txt2)+' ' def UpdateChat(self): """ update the chat with the buffer :return: """ if self.queueMsg : m = self.queueMsg.pop(0) if m: self.thread.start() self.ShowMessageAsText(m) self.ui.txtOutput.setText(self.message_buffer) sb = self.ui.txtOutput.verticalScrollBar() sb.setValue(sb.maximum()) def questionMessage(self, name,fileN): """ open un QMessageBox to ask the user whether to download a file from another user :param name: user name who send file :param fileN: file name :return: """ reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, "send file", "do you want to download the file : " + ' '.join(fileN.split("/")[-1:])+" from "+name+" ?", QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes | QtGui.QMessageBox.No) if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: text = ''.join(str(random.randint(1,9)) for _ in range(4)) while text == self.portCo : text = ''.join(str(random.randint(1,9)) for _ in range(4)) cmdAccF = "/acceptfile "+name+" "+text+" "+fileN self.s.settimeout(5.0) try: self.s.send(cmdAccF.encode()) print(cmdAccF) self.portFile = text except timeout: self.ShowMessageErreur("Erreur : Timeout. Le serveur ne repond pas") self.ui.txtOutput.setText(self.message_buffer) sb = self.ui.txtOutput.verticalScrollBar() sb.setValue(sb.maximum()) elif reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.No: self.s.settimeout(5.0) try: cmdRej = "/rejectfile "+name+" "+fileN print(cmdRej) self.s.send(cmdRej.encode()) except timeout: self.ShowMessageErreur("Erreur : Timeout. Le serveur ne repond pas") self.ui.txtOutput.setText(self.message_buffer) sb = self.ui.txtOutput.verticalScrollBar() sb.setValue(sb.maximum()) def connectActions(self): """ add an action to buttons :return: """ self.ui.pushButton_2.clicked.connect(self.connecter) self.ui.pushButton_3.clicked.connect(self.deco) self.ui.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.client) self.ui.pushButton_6.clicked.connect(self.changeN) self.ui.pushButton_5.clicked.connect(self.away) self.ui.lineEdit.returnPressed.connect(self.client) self.ui.listNames.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.ui.listNames.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.buttonAMenu) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_buttonA_released(self): print ('Doing Stuff when clicking on Button A') def buttonAMenu(self, pos): """ menu with the right click on the user list :param pos: :return: """ menu = QtGui.QMenu() menu.addAction('Private discussion', lambda:self.FirstActionButtonA()) menu.addAction('Send file', lambda:self.SecondActionButtonA()) menu.exec_(QtGui.QCursor.pos()) def FirstActionButtonA(self): """ first action (ask a pm) on the menu of the right click :return: """ test1 = self.ui.listNames.currentItem().text() print("1e fonction : "+str(test1)) self.someMethod(str(test1)) def SecondActionButtonA(self): """ second action (send file) on the menu of the right click :return: """ test1 = self.ui.listNames.currentItem().text() print("2sd fonction : "+str(test1)) self.privateFile = privateFile(self, self.s, str(test1)) def someMethod(self,item): """ ask a pm to another user of the list :param item: user name from the list :return: """ nom = item.replace("SUCCESSFUL_ASKED_CONV","") cmdPM = "/askpm "+nom self.s.settimeout(5.0) try: self.s.send(cmdPM.encode()) self.demande = nom except timeout: self.ShowMessageErreur("Erreur : Timeout. Le serveur ne repond pas") self.ui.txtOutput.setText(self.message_buffer) sb = self.ui.txtOutput.verticalScrollBar() sb.setValue(sb.maximum()) def away(self): """ action on the button afk and back :return: """ if self.bouton == "disable" : cmdAway = "/disable " self.s.settimeout(5.0) try: self.s.send(cmdAway.encode()) self.ui.pushButton_5.setText("Back") except timeout: self.ShowMessageErreur("Erreur : Timeout. Le serveur ne repond pas") self.ui.txtOutput.setText(self.message_buffer) sb = self.ui.txtOutput.verticalScrollBar() sb.setValue(sb.maximum()) self.bouton = "enable" elif self.bouton == "enable" : self.bouton = "disable" cmdAway = "/enable " self.s.settimeout(5.0) try: self.s.send(cmdAway.encode()) self.ui.pushButton_5.setText("Away From Keyboard") except timeout: self.ShowMessageErreur("Erreur : Timeout. Le serveur ne repond pas") self.ui.txtOutput.setText(self.message_buffer) sb = self.ui.txtOutput.verticalScrollBar() sb.setValue(sb.maximum()) def changeN(self): """ action to change name :return: """ changePseudo = self.ui.lineEdit_2.text() if changePseudo != "": cmdChange = "/name "+changePseudo self.s.settimeout(5.0) try: self.s.send(cmdChange.encode()) self.pseudo = changePseudo self.ui.listNames.clear() self.s.send("/userlist".encode()) except timeout: self.ShowMessageErreur("Erreur : Timeout. Le serveur ne repond pas") self.ui.txtOutput.setText(self.message_buffer) sb = self.ui.txtOutput.verticalScrollBar() sb.setValue(sb.maximum()) def connecter(self): """ create a connection, chose name and start thread to update the chat :return: """ ip = self.ui.lineEdit_4.text() port = int(self.ui.lineEdit_3.text()) self.portCo = port Addr = (ip,port) self.s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) self.s.settimeout(5.0) try: self.s.connect(Addr) except timeout: self.ShowMessageErreur("Erreur : Timeout. Le serveur ne repond pas") self.ui.txtOutput.setText(self.message_buffer) sb = self.ui.txtOutput.verticalScrollBar() sb.setValue(sb.maximum()) self.thread.setConfig(self.s, self) self.ui.lineEdit.setDisabled(False) self.ui.pushButton.setDisabled(False) self.ui.pushButton_2.setDisabled(True) self.ui.pushButton_3.setDisabled(False) self.ui.lineEdit_4.setDisabled(True) self.ui.lineEdit_3.setDisabled(True) self.thread.start() cmd2 = self.ui.lineEdit_2.text() if cmd2 != "": self.s.settimeout(5.0) cmdPseudo = "/newname "+cmd2 self.s.settimeout(5.0) try: self.s.send(cmdPseudo.encode()) self.pseudo = cmd2 self.ui.pushButton_6.setDisabled(False) except timeout: self.ShowMessageErreur("Erreur : Timeout. Le serveur ne repond pas") self.ui.txtOutput.setText(self.message_buffer) sb = self.ui.txtOutput.verticalScrollBar() sb.setValue(sb.maximum()) def deco(self): """ action on the button to disconnect from dnc :return: """ quitter = "/quit" self.s.send(quitter.encode()) #self.s.close() def createWidgets(self): """ run the main windows, with config :return: """ self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) ano = "anonymous" + ''.join(str(random.randint(1,9)) for _ in range(2)) config = configparser.ConfigParser()"dncClient.conf") port = config.get("NETWORK", "port") ip = config.get("NETWORK", "ip") name = config.get("PSEUDO", "name") if name is not None: self.ui.lineEdit_2.setText(name) else: self.ui.lineEdit_2.setText(ano) if ip is not None: self.ui.lineEdit_4.setText(ip) if port is not None: self.ui.lineEdit_3.setText(port) self.ui.lineEdit.setDisabled(True) self.ui.pushButton.setDisabled(True) self.ui.pushButton_3.setDisabled(True) self.ui.pushButton_6.setDisabled(True) self.message_buffer = "" self.bouton = "disable" self.connectActions() def client(self): """ send a message to the sever :return: """ self.cmd = self.ui.lineEdit.text() if self.cmd != "": self.ui.lineEdit.setText('') self.s.settimeout(5.0) try: self.s.send(self.cmd.encode()) if self.cmd.split(" ")[0] == "/newname": self.pseudo = self.cmd.split(" ")[1] if self.cmd.split(" ")[0] == "/name": self.pseudo = self.cmd.split(" ")[1] if self.cmd.split(" ")[0] == "/askpm": self.demande = self.cmd.split(" ")[1] except timeout: self.ShowMessageErreur("Erreur : Timeout. Le serveur ne repond pas") self.ui.txtOutput.setText(self.message_buffer) sb = self.ui.txtOutput.verticalScrollBar() sb.setValue(sb.maximum()) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) myapp = start() myapp.focusWidget() for t in threading.enumerate(): if t != threading.main_thread(): t.join() sys.exit(app.exec_())