import os import socket import threading import sys import configparser import re from serveur import Log ### Code retour ### ### INFO USERLIST_ENABLE = 300 USERLIST_DISABLE = 301 HAS_JOIN = 302 HAS_LEFT = 303 NEW_MSG = 304 NAME_CHANGED = 305 NEW_PM = 306 ASKING_FOR_PM = 307 PRIVATE_DISCU_ACCEPTED_FROM = 308 PRIVATE_DISCU_REFUSED_FROM = 309 IS_NOW_ENABLE = 310 IS_NOW_DISABLE = 311 HAS_ASKED_FILE = 312 CAN_SEND_FILE = 313 HAS_REJECT_FILE = 314 ### SUCCESS SUCC_CHANNEL_JOINED = 200 SUCC_CHANNEL_QUIT = 201 SUCC_MESSAGE_SENDED = 202 SUCC_NICKNAME_CHANGED = 203 SUCC_PM_SENDED = 205 SUCCESSFUL_ASKED_CONV = 206 SUCCESSFUL_ACCEPTED_CONV = 207 SUCCESSFUL_REFUSED_CONV = 208 SUCC_ENABLED = 209 SUCC_DISABLED = 210 SUCC_PMFILE = 211 SUCC_ACCEPTED_FILE = 212 SUCC_REFUSED_FILE = 213 ### ERROR ERR_NICKNAME_ALREADY_USED = 400 ERR_NO_NICKNAME = 401 ERR_CONV_NOT_ALLOWED = 402 DEST_NOT_FOUND = 403 ERR_ALREADY_ASKED_FOR_PM = 404 ERR_NO_INVIT_TO_CONV_FOUND = 405 ERR_UNKNOWN_ACCEPTED_FILE = 406 COMMAND_NOT_FOUND = 407 ERR_INVALID_NICKNAME = 408 ERR_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = 409 ERR_NOT_DISABLED = 410 ERR_NOT_ENABLED = 411 ## # Handle a connection from a client. # Wait for request from the client # @param connection the socket descriptor of the connection # @param client_adress ("ip", port) of the connection def handle_connection(connection, client_address): try: log.printL("Connection from IP -> {}".format(client_address), Log.lvl.INFO) while True: data = connection.recv(4096) if data: log.printL("Request from IP -> {}" " {}".format(client_address, data.decode()), Log.lvl.INFO) threading.Thread(target=handle_request, args=(connection, data.decode())).start() else: break except Exception as e: log.printL("Handle connection fail : ".format(str(e)), Log.lvl.FAIL) finally: quit_user(connection) ## # Handle a request. # @param connection the socket descriptor of the request sender # @param data the request to handle in String def handle_request(connection, data): try: array_data = data.split(" ") ### Command for user with nickname ### if usersConnected[connection][1] is not None: ### No command -> new message ### if not array_data[0][0] == "/" and usersConnected[connection][2]: connection.sendall("{}".format(SUCC_MESSAGE_SENDED).encode()) broadcast_message(connection, "{} {} {} ".format(NEW_MSG, usersConnected[connection][1], data)) return else: ### Command for user enable & disable ### if array_data[0] == "/name": change_name(connection, array_data[1]) return if array_data[0] == "/userlist": user_list_active(connection) return if array_data[0] == "/userlistaway": user_list_away(connection) return if array_data[0] == "/enable": enable_user(connection) return if array_data[0] == "/disable": disable_user(connection) return if array_data[0] == "/quit": connection.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RD) return ### Command available for enable only ### if not usersConnected[connection][2]: connection.sendall("{}".format(ERR_CONV_NOT_ALLOWED).encode()) return else: if array_data[0] == "/askpm": ask_private_message(connection, array_data[1]) return if array_data[0] == "/acceptpm": accept_private_message(connection, array_data[1]) return if array_data[0] == "/rejectpm": reject_private_message(connection, array_data[1]) return if array_data[0] == "/pm": private_message(connection, array_data[1], " ".join(array_data[2:])) return if array_data[0] == "/pmfile": ask_file(connection, array_data[1], array_data[2]) return if array_data[0] == "/acceptfile": accept_file(connection, array_data[1], " ".join(array_data[3:]), array_data[2]) return if array_data[0] == "/rejectfile": reject_file(connection, array_data[1], " ".join(array_data[2:])) return connection.sendall("{}".format(COMMAND_NOT_FOUND).encode()) else: ### Command for user without nickname ### if array_data[0] == "/newname": new_name(connection, array_data[1]) return if array_data[0] == "/quit": connection.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RD) return connection.sendall("{}".format(ERR_NO_NICKNAME).encode()) except IndexError: log.printL("Parameter missing in the request", Log.lvl.WARNING) connection.sendall("{}".format(COMMAND_NOT_FOUND).encode()) except Exception as e: log.printL("Handle request fail : {}".format(str(e)), Log.lvl.FAIL) connection.sendall("{}".format(ERR_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).encode()) ## # Broadcast a message to all the users connected except to the sender of the request # @param connection the socket descriptor of the request sender # @param message message to broadcast (String) def broadcast_message(connection, message): log.printL("User Connected : {}".format(usersConnected), Log.lvl.DEBUG) for con, value in usersConnected.items(): # value 1 : pseudo value 2 : status (enable/disable) if value[1] is not None and con != connection and value[2]: try: con.sendall(message.encode()) except Exception as e: log.printL(str(e), Log.lvl.FAIL) ## # Send the list of enable user # @param connection the socket descriptor of the target def user_list_active(connection): l = "{} ".format(USERLIST_ENABLE) for con, value in usersConnected.items(): if value[1] is not None and value[2]: l += value[1] + " " connection.sendall(l[:-1].encode()) ## # Send the list of disable user # @param connection the socket descriptor of the target def user_list_away(connection): l = "{} ".format(USERLIST_DISABLE) for con, value in usersConnected.items(): if value[1] is not None and not value[2]: l += value[1] + " " connection.sendall(l[:-1].encode()) ## # Change the nickname of the user # @param connection the socket descriptor of the target # @param pseudo new nickname for the user (String) def change_name(connection, pseudo): if not re.match("^\w{3,15}$", pseudo): connection.sendall("{}".format(ERR_INVALID_NICKNAME).encode()) elif get_connection_by_pseudo(pseudo) is not None: connection.sendall("{}".format(ERR_NICKNAME_ALREADY_USED).encode()) else: broadcast_message(connection, "{} {} {}".format(NAME_CHANGED, usersConnected[connection][1], pseudo)) connection.sendall("{}".format(SUCC_NICKNAME_CHANGED).encode()) usersConnected[connection][1] = pseudo ## # Affect the nickname of the user for the first time # @param connection the socket descriptor of the targ # @param pseudo nickname for the user (String) def new_name(connection, pseudo): if not re.match("^\w{3,15}$", pseudo): connection.sendall("{}".format(ERR_INVALID_NICKNAME).encode()) elif get_connection_by_pseudo(pseudo) is not None: connection.sendall("{}".format(ERR_NICKNAME_ALREADY_USED).encode()) else: broadcast_message(connection, "{} {} ".format(HAS_JOIN, pseudo)) connection.sendall("{}".format(SUCC_CHANNEL_JOINED).encode()) usersConnected[connection][1] = pseudo user_list_active(connection) user_list_away(connection) def ask_private_message(connection, pseudo): c = get_connection_by_pseudo(pseudo) if c is None: connection.sendall("{}".format(DEST_NOT_FOUND).encode()) else: pm = (connection, c) if pm in askPM: connection.sendall("{}".format(ERR_ALREADY_ASKED_FOR_PM).encode()) else: askPM.append(pm) log.printL("askPm {}".format(askPM), Log.lvl.DEBUG) c.sendall("{} {}".format(ASKING_FOR_PM, usersConnected[connection][1]).encode()) connection.sendall("{}".format(SUCCESSFUL_ASKED_CONV).encode()) def accept_private_message(connection, pseudo): log.printL("askPm {}".format(askPM), Log.lvl.DEBUG) c = get_connection_by_pseudo(pseudo) if c is None: connection.sendall("{}".format(DEST_NOT_FOUND).encode()) else: pm = (c, connection) if pm not in askPM: connection.sendall("{}".format(ERR_NO_INVIT_TO_CONV_FOUND).encode()) else: askPM.remove(pm) validatePM.append(pm) connection.sendall("{}".format(SUCCESSFUL_ACCEPTED_CONV).encode()) c.sendall("{} {}".format(PRIVATE_DISCU_ACCEPTED_FROM, usersConnected[connection][1]).encode()) def reject_private_message(connection, pseudo): c = get_connection_by_pseudo(pseudo) if c is None: connection.sendall("{}".format(DEST_NOT_FOUND).encode()) else: pm = (c, connection) pmr = (connection, c) if pm not in askPM: if pm in validatePM: validatePM.remove(pm) connection.sendall("{}".format(SUCCESSFUL_REFUSED_CONV).encode()) c.sendall("{} {}".format(PRIVATE_DISCU_REFUSED_FROM, usersConnected[connection][1]).encode()) elif pmr in validatePM: validatePM.remove(pmr) connection.sendall("{}".format(SUCCESSFUL_REFUSED_CONV).encode()) c.sendall("{} {}".format(PRIVATE_DISCU_REFUSED_FROM, usersConnected[connection][1]).encode()) else: connection.sendall("{}".format(ERR_NO_INVIT_TO_CONV_FOUND).encode()) else: askPM.remove(pm) connection.sendall("{}".format(SUCCESSFUL_REFUSED_CONV).encode()) c.sendall("{} {}".format(PRIVATE_DISCU_REFUSED_FROM, usersConnected[connection][1]).encode()) def private_message(connection, pseudo, msg): c = get_connection_by_pseudo(pseudo) if c is None: connection.sendall("{}".format(DEST_NOT_FOUND).encode()) else: pm = (connection, c) pmr = (c, connection) if pm not in validatePM and pmr not in validatePM: connection.sendall("{}".format(ERR_CONV_NOT_ALLOWED).encode()) else: c.sendall("{} {} {}".format(NEW_PM, pseudo, msg).encode()) connection.sendall("{}".format(SUCC_PM_SENDED).encode()) def ask_file(connection, pseudo, file): c = get_connection_by_pseudo(pseudo) if c is None: connection.sendall("{}".format(DEST_NOT_FOUND).encode()) else: f = (connection, c, file) if f in askFT: connection.sendall("{}".format(ERR_ALREADY_ASKED_FOR_PM).encode()) else: askFT.append(f) log.printL("askFT {}".format(askFT), Log.lvl.DEBUG) c.sendall("{} {} {}".format(HAS_ASKED_FILE, usersConnected[connection][1], file).encode()) connection.sendall("{}".format(SUCC_PMFILE).encode()) def accept_file(connection, pseudo, file, port): log.printL("askFT {}".format(askFT), Log.lvl.DEBUG) c = get_connection_by_pseudo(pseudo) if c is None: connection.sendall("{}".format(DEST_NOT_FOUND).encode()) else: f = (c, connection, file) if f not in askFT: connection.sendall("{}".format(ERR_UNKNOWN_ACCEPTED_FILE).encode()) else: askFT.remove(f) connection.sendall("{} {}".format(SUCC_ACCEPTED_FILE, usersConnected[c][0][0]).encode()) c.sendall("{} {} {} {} {}".format(CAN_SEND_FILE, pseudo, usersConnected[connection][0][0], port, file).encode()) def reject_file(connection, pseudo, file): c = get_connection_by_pseudo(pseudo) if c is None: connection.sendall("{}".format(DEST_NOT_FOUND).encode()) else: f = (c, connection, file) if f not in askFT: connection.sendall("{}".format(ERR_UNKNOWN_ACCEPTED_FILE).encode()) else: askPM.remove(f) connection.sendall("{}".format(SUCC_REFUSED_FILE).encode()) connection.sendall("{} {} {}".format(HAS_REJECT_FILE, pseudo, file).encode()) def enable_user(connection): if not usersConnected[connection][2]: usersConnected[connection][2] = True connection.sendall("{}".format(SUCC_ENABLED).encode()) broadcast_message(connection, "{} {}".format(IS_NOW_ENABLE, usersConnected[connection][1])) else: connection.sendall("{}".format(ERR_NOT_DISABLED).encode()) def disable_user(connection): if usersConnected[connection][2]: usersConnected[connection][2] = False connection.sendall("{}".format(SUCC_DISABLED).encode()) broadcast_message(connection, "{} {}".format(IS_NOW_DISABLE, usersConnected[connection][1])) else: connection.sendall("{}".format(ERR_NOT_ENABLED).encode()) def quit_user(connection): try: connection.sendall("{}".format(SUCC_CHANNEL_QUIT).encode()) except OSError: # Client close the socket in this side not properly log.printL("Client IP -> {} close connection not properly" "".format(usersConnected[connection][0]), Log.lvl.WARNING) connection.close() log.printL("Disconnection from IP -> {}".format(usersConnected[connection][0]), Log.lvl.INFO) pseudo = usersConnected[connection][1] usersConnected.pop(connection) broadcast_message(connection, "{} {}".format(HAS_LEFT, pseudo)) def get_connection_by_pseudo(pseudo): for con, value in usersConnected.items(): if value[1] == pseudo: return con return None def main(): # Global vars global usersConnected, log, sock global askPM, validatePM global askFT usersConnected = {} askPM = [] validatePM = [] askFT = [] # Config config = configparser.ConfigParser() if not os.path.isfile("dncserver.conf"): config['NETWORK'] = {'port': '2222'} config['LOG'] = {'logDirectory': 'log'} with open('dncserver.conf', 'w') as configfile: config.write(configfile)"dncserver.conf") log = Log.Log(config["LOG"]["logdirectory"]) log.printL("Configuration Log", Log.lvl.INFO) log.printL("Server start", Log.lvl.INFO) #Init socket serv sock = socket.socket() sock.bind(("", int(config["NETWORK"]["port"]))) sock.listen(5) log.printL("Server Listen on port {}".format(config["NETWORK"]["port"]), Log.lvl.INFO) try: while True: #Connection client connection, client_address = sock.accept() usersConnected[connection] = [client_address, None, True] # ip pseudo status threading.Thread(target=handle_connection, args=(connection, client_address)).start() except KeyboardInterrupt: # Disable to received more requests on socket for con, value in usersConnected.items(): con.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RD) finally: #Wait for threads finish log.printL("Wait for threads ending", Log.lvl.INFO) for t in threading.enumerate(): if t != threading.main_thread(): t.join() sock.close() log.printL("Server shutdown", Log.lvl.INFO) sys.exit(0)