import argparse import socket import threading import sys from serveur import Log def handleConnection(connection, client_address) : #try: log.printL("Connection from IP -> {}".format(client_address), Log.lvl.INFO) while True: data = connection.recv(4096) if data: log.printL("Request from IP -> {}" " {}".format(client_address,data.decode()), Log.lvl.INFO) threading.Thread(target=handleRequest, args=(connection, data.decode())).start() else: break """except Exception as e : log.printL(str(e), Log.lvl.FAIL)""" def handleRequest(connection, data): #try: arrayData = data.split(" ") if(not arrayData[0][0] == "/"): broadcastMsg( "NEW_MSG {} {} ".format(usersConnected[connection][1], data)) return else : if arrayData[0] == "/name" : changeName(connection, arrayData[1]) return if arrayData[0] == "/quit" : quit(connection) return if arrayData[0] == "/askpm" : askPrivateMsg(connection,arrayData[1]) return if arrayData[0] == "/acceptpm" : acceptPrivateMsg(connection,arrayData[1]) return if arrayData[0] == "/rejectpm" : rejectPrivateMsg(connection,arrayData[1]) return if arrayData[0] == "/pm" : privateMsg(connection,arrayData[1],arrayData[2:]) return connection.send("ERR_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND".encode()) """except Exception as e : log.printL(str(e), Log.lvl.FAIL)""" def broadcastMsg(message): for con, value in usersConnected.items() : con.send(message.encode()) def userListActive(connection): l = "USERLIST " for con,value in usersConnected : if value[2] == True : l += value[1] + " " connection.send(l[:-1].encode()) def userListAway(connection): l = "USERAWAY " for con,value in usersConnected : if value[2] == False : l += value[1] + " " connection.send(l[:-1].encode()) def changeName(connection, pseudo): broadcastMsg("NAME_CHANGED {} {}".format(usersConnected[connection][1], pseudo)) usersConnected[connection][1] = pseudo def askPrivateMsg(connection,pseudo): c = getConnectionByPseudo(pseudo) if c is None : connection.send("ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND".encode()) else: pm = (connection,c) if pm in askPM : connection.send("ALREADY_ASKED".encode()) else: askPM.append(pm) c.send("NEW_MESSAGE {0} demande une conversation privé \n" "/acceptpm {0} pour accepter\n" "/reject {0} pour refuser".format(pseudo)) connection.send("SUCC_INVITED".encode()) def acceptPrivateMsg(connection, pseudo): c = getConnectionByPseudo(pseudo) if c is None : connection.send("ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND".encode()) else: pm = (connection,c) if pm not in askPM : connection.send("ERR_USER_HAS_NOT_ASK".encode()) else: askPM.remove(pm) validatePM.append(pm) connection.send("SUCC_PRIVATE_DISCUSSION_ACCEPTED".encode()) def rejectPrivateMsg(connection, pseudo): c = getConnectionByPseudo(pseudo) if c is None : connection.send("ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND".encode()) else: pm = (connection,c) if pm not in askPM : connection.send("ERR_USER_HAS_NOT_ASK".encode()) else: askPM.remove(pm) connection.send("SUCC_PRIVATE_DISCUSSION_REFUSED".encode()) def privateMsg(connection, pseudo, msg): c = getConnectionByPseudo(pseudo) if c is None : connection.send("ERR_DEST_NOT_FOUND".encode()) else: pm = (connection,c) if sorted(pm) not in sorted(validatePM) : connection.send("ERR_NOT_ACCEPTED".encode()) else: c.send("NEW_PM {} {}".format(pseudo,msg).encode()) connection.send("SUCC_PM_SENDED".encode()) def quit(connection) : connection.send("SUCCESSFUL_LOGOUT".encode()) connection.close() log.printL("Disconnection from IP -> {}".format(usersConnected[connection][0]), Log.lvl.INFO) usersConnected.pop(connection) broadcastMsg("HAS_LEFT {}".format(usersConnected[connection][1])) def getConnectionByPseudo(pseudo): for con, value in usersConnected.items() : if value[1] == pseudo : return con return None def main(): #Global vars global usersConnected, log, sock usersConnected = {} global askPM, validatePM global askFT, validateFT askPM = [] validatePM = [] log = Log.Log() #Configuration parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage="usage='%(prog)s [options]",description='Server DNC') parser.add_argument('--port', type=int, dest='port', action='store', default=8000, help='port (default=8000)') parser.add_argument('--usermax', type=int, dest='usermax', action='store', default=None, help='usermax (default=None)') args = parser.parse_args() log.printL("Configuration load {}".format(args), Log.lvl.INFO) log.printL("Server start", Log.lvl.INFO) #Init socket serv sock = socket.socket() sock.bind(("", args.port)) sock.listen(5) log.printL("Server Listen on port {}".format(args.port), Log.lvl.INFO) try : while True : #Connection client connection, client_address = sock.accept() usersConnected[connection] = [client_address,"Anonymous",True] # ip pseudo status threading.Thread(target=handleConnection,args=(connection,client_address)).start() except KeyboardInterrupt : # Disable to received more requests on socket for con, value in usersConnected.items(): con.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RD) finally : #Wait for threads finish log.printL("Wait for threads ending", Log.lvl.INFO) for t in threading.enumerate(): if t!= threading.main_thread(): t.join() #Close all clients sockets for con, value in usersConnected.items(): quit(con) #Close the socket server sock.close() log.printL("Server shutdown", Log.lvl.INFO) sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': main()