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360 lines
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import random
import string
import time
import random
import string
import time
from src.m.Voiture import Voiture
from src.m.connexionBDD import connexionBDD
from src.m.Voiture import Voiture
from src.m.connexionBDD import connexionBDD
__author__ = 'sidya'
class Parking:
parkings = []
def get(id):
if len(Parking.parkings) == 0:
for p in Parking.parkings:
if == id:
return p
def getAllActif():
if len(Parking.parkings) == 0:
c = connexionBDD()
r = c.execute("SELECT * FROM parking WHERE actif = 1")
rows = r.fetchall()
for row in rows:
Parking(row["idParking"], row["nom"], None)
return Parking.parkings
def remove(parking):
c = connexionBDD()
c.execute("UPDATE parking SET actif = 0 WHERE idParking='" + str( + "'")
def removeAllRam():
Parking.parkings = []
def __init__(self, id, nom=None, listeTypePlace=None):
self.__nom = nom
if id is None:
c = connexionBDD()
c.execute("INSERT INTO parking (nom) VALUES ('" + str(self.__nom) + "')", ())
self.__id = c.lastId()
# Crea des places
n = 0
placeParNiveau = {}
for typePlace in listeTypePlace:
i = placeParNiveau[typePlace.niveau]
except KeyError:
i = 0
placeParNiveau[typePlace.niveau] = i + typePlace.nombre
for i in range(placeParNiveau[typePlace.niveau]):
Place(None, self, typePlace, i, True, False)
self.__id = id
def id(self):
return self.__id
def nom(self):
return self.__nom
def nbPlaces(self):
return Place.nbPlaceParking(self.__id)
def nbPlacesLibresParking(self):
return Place.nbPlaceLibreParking(self.__id)
def nbSuperAbo(self):
return Place.nbSuperAbo(self.__id)
def recherchePlace(self, voiture):
Permet de rechercher une place valide pour une voiture
:param voiture: Voiture
:return: Place
return Place.placeValide(self.__id, voiture)
def addPlaceSuperAbo(self, parking):
return Place(None, parking, None, None, False, True)
def __str__(self):
return "[Parking : nom = " + self.__nom + "]"
class Place:
def __init__(self, id=None, parking=None, typePlace=None, numero=None, estLibre=True, estSuperAbo=False):
if id is None:
self.__parking = parking
self.__typePlace = typePlace
self.__numero = numero
self.__estLibre = estLibre
self.__estSuperAbo = estSuperAbo
if self.__typePlace is None:
t = "NULL"
t =
c = connexionBDD()
c.execute("INSERT INTO place (idParking, idTypePlace, numero, estLibre, estSuperAbo) "
"VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)",
(, t,
self.__numero, int(self.__estLibre), int(self.__estSuperAbo)))
self.__id = c.lastId()
c = connexionBDD()
r = c.execute("SELECT * FROM place WHERE idPlace='" + str(id) + "'")
row = r.fetchone()
if row is None:
raise IndexError("Invalid id")
self.__parking = Parking.get(row["idParking"])
self.__typePlace = TypePlace(row["idTypePlace"])
self.__numero = row["numero"]
self.__estLibre = row["estLibre"]
self.__estSuperAbo = row["estSuperAbo"]
self.__id = id
def id(self):
return self.__id
def prendre(self):
Rend la place indisponible
:param Placement:
if (self.__estLibre == False):
raise Exception("Place déjà prise")
self.__estLibre = False
c = connexionBDD()
c.execute("UPDATE place SET estLibre = 0 WHERE idPlace ='" + str(self.__id) + "'")
def liberer(self):
Libere une place non dispo
if (self.__estLibre == True):
raise Exception("Impossible de liberer une place vide")
self.__estLibre = True
c = connexionBDD()
"UPDATE place SET estLibre = 1, fin ='" + str(time.time()) + "' WHERE idPlace ='" + str(self.__id) + "'")
def identification(self):
return str(chr(self.__typePlace.niveau + ord('A')) + ":" + str(self.__numero))
def estlibre(self):
return self.__estLibre
def typePlace(self):
return self.__typePlace
def nbPlaceParking(idParking):
c = connexionBDD()
r = c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM place WHERE idParking = " + str(idParking))
row = r.fetchone()
return row[0]
def nbPlaceLibreParking(idParking):
c = connexionBDD()
r = c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM place WHERE idParking = " + str(idParking) + " AND estLibre = 1")
row = r.fetchone()
return row[0]
def nbSuperAbo(idParking):
c = connexionBDD()
r = c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM place WHERE idParking = " + str(idParking) + " AND estSuperAbo = 1")
row = r.fetchone()
return row[0]
def placeValide(idPArking, voiture):
c = connexionBDD()
r = c.execute("SELECT * FROM place WHERE idParking= ? AND estLibre = 1 "
"AND idTypePlace =(SELECT idTypePlace FROM typePlace "
"WHERE hauteur>? AND longueur>? ORDER BY longueur) ",
(str(idPArking), str(voiture.hauteur), str(voiture.longueur)))
row = r.fetchone()
if row is None:
return None
return Place(row["idPlace"], row["idParking"], row["idTypePlace"],
row["numero"], bool(row["estLibre"]), bool(row["estSuperAbo"]))
def __str__(self):
return "[Place : " \
"Parking = " + str(self.__parking) + "," \
"typePlace = " + str(self.__typePlace) + "," \
"numero = " + str(
self.__numero) + "," \
"estLibre = " + str(self.__estLibre) + "," \
"estSuperAbo = " + str(self.__estSuperAbo) + "]" \
class TypePlace:
def __init__(self, id, longueur=None, hauteur=None, nombre=None, prix=None, niveau=None):
if id is None:
self.__longueur = longueur
self.__hauteur = hauteur
self.__nombre = nombre
self.__prix = prix
self.__niveau = niveau
c = connexionBDD()
c.execute("INSERT INTO typePlace (longueur,hauteur,nombre, prix, niveau) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)",
(self.__longueur, self.__hauteur, self.__nombre, self.__prix, self.__niveau))
self.__id = c.lastId()
c = connexionBDD()
r = c.execute("SELECT * FROM typePlace WHERE idTypePlace='" + str(id) + "'")
row = r.fetchone()
if row is None:
raise IndexError("Invalid id")
self.__longueur = row["longueur"]
self.__hauteur = row["hauteur"]
self.__nombre = row["nombre"]
self.__prix = row["prix"]
self.__niveau = row["niveau"]
self.__id = id
def id(self):
return self.__id
def longueur(self):
return self.__longueur
def hauteur(self):
return self.__hauteur
def nombre(self):
return self.__nombre
def prix(self):
return self.__prix
def niveau(self):
return self.__niveau
def __str__(self):
return "[TypePlace : " \
"id = " + str(self.__id) + "," \
"longueur = " + str(self.__longueur) + "," \
"hauteur = " + str(
self.__hauteur) + "," \
"nombre = " + str(self.__nombre) + "," \
"prix = " + str(self.__prix) + "," \
"niveau = " + str(
self.__niveau) + "]"
class Placement:
def __init__(self, id, voiture=None, place=None, debut=None, fin=None):
Creer un placement
:param voiture: Voiture
:param place: Place
if id is None:
self.__voiture = voiture
self.__place = place
self.__debut = time.time()
self.__fin = None
while True:
id = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in
range(random.randint(1, 10)))
except IndexError:
c = connexionBDD()
c.execute("INSERT INTO placement (idPlacement,idVoiture,idPlace, debut, fin) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)",
(str(id), str(, str(, str(self.__debut), "NULL"))
self.__id = id
c = connexionBDD()
r = c.execute("SELECT * FROM placement WHERE idPlacement='" + str(id) + "'")
row = r.fetchone()
if row is None:
raise IndexError("Invalid id")
self.__voiture = Voiture(row["idVoiture"])
self.__place = Place(row["idPlace"])
self.__id = id
self.__debut = debut
self.__fin = fin
def id(self):
return self.__id
def place(self):
return self.__place
def voiture(self):
return self.__voiture
def end(self):
self.__fin = time.time()
c = connexionBDD()
c.execute("UPDATE placement SET fin='" + str(self.__fin) + "' WHERE idPlacement='" + str(id) + "'")
def __str__(self):
return "[Placement : " \
"id = " + str(self.__id) + "," \
"Voiture = " + str(self.__voiture) + "," \
"Place = " + str(self.__place) + "," \
"Debut = " + str(
self.__debut) + "," \
"Fin = " + str(self.__fin) + "]"