import random import string from hashlib import sha512 from flask import json from mailer import Mailer from mailer import Message from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import DeclarativeMeta from app.core import app SIMPLE_CHARS = string.ascii_letters + string.digits def get_random_string(length=32): return ''.join(random.choice(SIMPLE_CHARS) for i in range(length)) def get_random_hash(length=64): hash = sha512() hash.update(get_random_string()) return hash.hexdigest()[:length] def new_alchemy_encoder(revisit_self=False, fields_to_expand=[]): _visited_objs = [] class AlchemyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj.__class__, DeclarativeMeta): # don't re-visit self if revisit_self: if obj in _visited_objs: return None _visited_objs.append(obj) # go through each field in this SQLalchemy class fields = {} for field in [x for x in dir(obj) if not x.startswith('_') and x != 'metadata']: val = obj.__getattribute__(field) # is this field another SQLalchemy object, or a list of SQLalchemy objects? if isinstance(val.__class__, DeclarativeMeta) or ( isinstance(val, list) and len(val) > 0 and isinstance(val[0].__class__, DeclarativeMeta)): # unless we're expanding this field, stop here if field not in fields_to_expand: # not expanding this field: set it to None and continue fields[field] = None continue fields[field] = val # a json-encodable dict return fields return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj) return AlchemyEncoder def checkParams(wanted, args): inter = [elt for elt in wanted if elt in args] return len(inter) == len(wanted) def send_mail(subject, to, html): if app.config['MAILER']: message = Message(From="", To=to, charset="utf-8") message.Subject = subject message.Html = html sender = Mailer('localhost') # TODO: Mettre le SMTP de la fac ici sender.send(message)