# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import MySQLdb as mdb import sys import re import httplib def exists(site, path): c = httplib.HTTPConnection(site) c.request('HEAD', path) response = c.getresponse() c.close() return response.status == 200 def insert (cur, table, dict) : keys = "" datas = "" for key , data in dict.items() : keys += key + "," datas += "\"" + str(data) + "\"," req = "INSERT INTO " + table + "(" + keys[:-1] + ")" + " VALUES (" + datas[:-1] + ")" #print(req) cur.execute(req) return cur.lastrowid try : listeTechnique = {} listeMatiere= {} listeDomaine = {} listeDesignation = {} listeAuteur = {} listeDatation = {} con = mdb.connect('', 'root', 'l3miashs2015', 'moduleweb',charset='utf8') cur = con.cursor() # Suppresion des données existantes dan la bd cur.execute("TRUNCATE table auteurs") cur.execute("TRUNCATE table matieres") cur.execute("TRUNCATE table techniques") cur.execute("TRUNCATE table domaines") cur.execute("TRUNCATE table datations") cur.execute("TRUNCATE table oeuvres") cur.execute("TRUNCATE table referents") cur.execute("TRUNCATE table config_jeus") cur.execute("TRUNCATE table config_jeu_oeuvre") cur.execute("TRUNCATE table password_resets") # On parcourt le fichier xml tree = ET.parse('inventaire.xml') root = tree.getroot() i=0 # Pour chaque oeuvre for o in root.iter('oeuvre'): print(i) idtechnique = "NULL" idmatiere = "NULL" iddomaine= "NULL" iddesignation = "NULL" iddesignation2 = "NULL" iddesignation3 = "NULL" idauteur = "NULL" idauteur2 = "NULL" image = "NULL" iddatation = "NULL" technique = None matiere = None domaine = None designation = None designation2 = None designation3 = None auteur = None auteur2 = None datation = None datation2 = None # On parcourt tout les tags for child in o : if child.tag == 'auteur1' : auteur = child.text.encode('utf-8') elif child.tag == 'auteur2' : auteur2 = child.text.encode('utf-8') elif child.tag == 'datation1': datation = child.text.encode('utf-8') elif child.tag == 'datation2': datation2 = child.text.encode('utf-8') elif child.tag == 'designation': designation1 = child.text.encode('utf-8') elif child.tag == 'designation2': designation2 = child.text.encode('utf-8') elif child.tag == 'designation3': designation3 = child.text.encode('utf-8') elif child.tag == 'domaine': domaine = child.text.encode('utf-8') elif child.tag == 'matiere': matiere = child.text.encode('utf-8') elif child.tag == 'technique': technique = child.text.encode('utf-8') elif child.tag == 'image' : image = child.text.encode('utf-8') # On s'interesee qu'aux oeuvres ayant une image if image != "NULL" and exists('www.augustins.org','/documents/10180/156407/'+image): if str(datation)+str(datation2) in listeDatation : iddatation = listeDatation[str(datation)+str(datation2)] else : if datation is not None and datation2 is not None : if re.compile("vers").search(datation.lower()) or re.compile("avant").search(datation.lower()): try: datas = {"dateDebut" : datation2.split("-")[0] + "-01-01", "dateFin" : datation2.split("-")[1] + "-12-31"} iddatation = insert(cur,"datations",datas) except Exception, e: if re.compile("^[0-9]{4}[ ]").match(datation.lower()) : datas = {"dateDebut" : datation.split(" ")[0] + "-01-01", "dateFin" : datation.split(" ")[0] + "-12-31"} iddatation = insert(cur,"datations",datas) elif re.compile("^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}$").search(datation.lower()) and re.compile("^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}$").search(datation2.lower()) : datas = {"dateDebut" : datation.split("-")[0] + "-01-01", "dateFin" : datation2.split("-")[1] + "-12-31"} iddatation = insert(cur,"datations",datas) elif re.compile("^[0-9]{4}[ ]").match(datation.lower()) and re.compile("^[0-9]{4}[ ]").match(datation2.lower()) : datas = {"dateDebut" : datation.split(" ")[0] + "-01-01", "dateFin" : datation2.split(" ")[0] + "-12-31"} iddatation = insert(cur,"datations",datas) elif re.compile("^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}[ ]").match(datation.lower()) and re.compile("^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}[ ]").match(datation2.lower()) : datas = {"dateDebut" : datation.split("-")[0] + "-01-01", "dateFin" : datation2.split("-")[1].split(" ")[0] + "-12-31"} iddatation = insert(cur,"datations",datas) elif re.compile("^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}[ ]").match(datation.lower()) and re.compile("^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}").match(datation2.lower()) : datas = {"dateDebut" : datation.split("-")[0] + "-01-01", "dateFin" : datation2.split("-")[1].split(" ")[0] + "-12-31"} iddatation = insert(cur,"datations",datas) if datation is not None and datation2 is None : if re.compile("^[0-9]{4}[ ]").match(datation.lower()) : datas = {"dateDebut" : datation.split(" ")[0] + "-01-01", "dateFin" : datation.split(" ")[0] + "-12-31"} iddatation = insert(cur,"datations",datas) elif re.compile("^[0-9]{4}$").match(datation.lower()) : datas = {"dateDebut" : datation + "-01-01", "dateFin" : datation + "-12-31"} iddatation = insert(cur,"datations",datas) elif re.compile("^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}$").match(datation.lower()) : datas = {"dateDebut" : datation.split("-")[0] + "-01-01", "dateFin" : datation.split("-")[1] + "-12-31"} iddatation = insert(cur,"datations",datas) if iddatation != "NULL" : listeDatation[str(datation)+str(datation2) ] = iddatation if technique is not None : if not technique in listeTechnique : datas = { "nom" : technique} idtechnique = insert(cur,"techniques",datas) listeTechnique[technique] = idtechnique else : idtechnique = listeTechnique[technique] if matiere is not None : if not matiere in listeMatiere : datas = { "nom" : matiere} idmatiere = insert(cur,"matieres",datas) listeMatiere[matiere] = idmatiere else : idmatiere = listeMatiere[matiere] if domaine is not None : if not domaine in listeDomaine : datas = { "nom" : domaine} iddomaine = insert(cur,"domaines",datas) listeDomaine[domaine] = iddomaine else : iddomaine = listeDomaine[domaine] if auteur is not None : if not auteur in listeAuteur : datas = { "nom" : auteur} idauteur = insert(cur,"auteurs", datas) listeAuteur[auteur] = idauteur else : idauteur = listeAuteur[auteur] datas = {"technique_id" : idtechnique, "domaine_id" : iddomaine, "matiere_id" : idmatiere, "image" : image, "designation" : con.escape_string(designation1), "auteur_id" : idauteur} for key , data in datas.items() : if data == "NULL" : del datas[key] idoeuvre = insert(cur,"oeuvres",datas) i+=1 #On Cree utilisateur decouvrir le musee datas = { "id" : "1", "nom": "Découverte", "image" : "imgs/avatar/1.png" } insert(cur,"referents",datas) con.commit() except mdb.Error, e: if con: con.rollback() print("Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0],e.args[1])) sys.exit(1) finally: if con: con.close() print "end"