;(function( window ) { //'use strict'; /** * Extend object function * */ function extend( a, b ) { for( var key in b ) { if( b.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) { a[key] = b[key]; } } return a; } /** * Shuffle array function * */ function shuffle(o) { for(var j, x, i = o.length; i; j = parseInt(Math.random() * i), x = o[--i], o[i] = o[j], o[j] = x); return o; }; /** * Memory constructor * */ function Memory( options, level, nbcase ) { //console.log(nbcase); this.options = extend( {}, this.options ); extend( this.options, options ); this._init(level, nbcase); } /** * Memory _init - initialise Memory * * Creates all the game content areas, adds the id's and classes, and gets * ready for game setup. */ Memory.prototype._init = function(level,nbcase) { this.game = document.createElement("div"); this.game.id = "mg"; this.game.className = "mg"; document.getElementById(this.options.wrapperID).appendChild(this.game); this.gameWrapper = document.createElement("div"); this.gameWrapper.id = "mg__wrapper"; this.gameWrapper.className = "mg__wrapper"; this.gameContents = document.createElement("div"); this.gameContents.id = "mg__contents"; this.gameWrapper.appendChild(this.gameContents); this.gameMessages = document.createElement("div"); this.gameMessages.id = "mg__onend"; this.gameMessages.className = "mg__onend"; this._setupGame(level,nbcase); }; /** * Memory _setupGame - Sets up the game * * We're caching all game related variables, and by default, displaying the * meta info bar and start screen HTML. * * A NOTE ABOUT GAME STATES: * * There are 4 game states in total, governed by the variable this.gameState. * Each game state allows for a certain series of functions to be performed. * The gameStates are as follows: * * 1 : default, allows user to choose level * 2 : set when user chooses level, and game is in play * 3 : game is finished */ Memory.prototype._setupGame = function(level, nbcase) { var self = this; this.gameState = 1; this.cards = shuffle(this.options.cards); this.card1 = ""; this.card2 = ""; this.card1id = ""; this.card2id = ""; this.card1flipped = false; this.card2flipped = false; this.flippedTiles = 0; this.chosenLevel = ""; this.numMoves = 0; this._setupGameWrapper(level, nbcase); } /** * Memory _setupGameWrapper * * This function sets up the game wrapper, which is where the actual memory * tiles will reside and where all the game play happens. */ Memory.prototype._setupGameWrapper = function(levelNode,nbcase) { this.nbcase = nbcase; this.level = levelNode; this.gameContents.className = "mg__contents mg__level-"+this.level; this.game.appendChild(this.gameWrapper); this.chosenLevel = this.level; this._renderTiles(); }; /** * Memory _renderTiles * * This renders the actual tiles with content. A few thing happen here: * * 1. Calculate grid X and Y based on user level selection * 2. Calculate num tiles * 3. Create new cards array based on level, and draw cards from original array * 4. Shuffle the new cards array * 5. Cards get distributed into tiles * 6. gamePlay function gets triggered, taking care of all the game play action. */ Memory.prototype._renderTiles = function() { if(this.level == 1) {this.gridX = 2; this.gridY= 2; } else if(this.level == 2) {this.gridX = 3; this.gridY= 2; } else { this.gridX = 2; this.gridY=4 ; } // this.gridY = this.gridX ; this.numTiles = this.nbcase*2; //this.halfNumTiles = this.gridX; this.halfNumTiles = this.numTiles/2; this.newCards = []; for ( var i = 0; i < this.halfNumTiles; i++ ) { this.newCards.push(this.cards[i], this.cards[i]); } this.newCards = shuffle(this.newCards); this.tilesHTML = ''; var n = 0; for ( var i = 0; i < this.numTiles; i++ ) { n = n + 1; if(this.level == 3 && n == 5 ){n = 9} if(this.level == 2 && n == 4 ){n = 7} this.tilesHTML += '
\ \ '; this.tilesHTML +='
'; /* if(this.level == 1 && n == 2){ this.tilesHTML +=""; }*/ this.tilesHTML +="
"; } this.gameContents.innerHTML = this.tilesHTML; this.gameState = 2; this.options.onGameStart(); this._gamePlay(); } /** * Memory _gamePlay * * Now that all the HTML is set up, the game is ready to be played. In this * function, we loop through all the tiles (goverend by the .mg__tile--inner) * class, and for each tile, we run the _gamePlayEvents function. */ Memory.prototype._gamePlay = function() { var tiles = document.querySelectorAll(".mg__tile--inner"); for (var i = 0, len = tiles.length; i < len; i++) { var tile = tiles[i]; this._gamePlayEvents(tile); }; }; /** * Memory _gamePlayEvents * * This function takes care of the "events", which is basically the clicking * of tiles. Tiles need to be checked if flipped or not, flipped if possible, * and if zero, one, or two cards are flipped. When two cards are flipped, we * have to check for matches and mismatches. The _gameCardsMatch and * _gameCardsMismatch functions perform two separate sets of functions, and are * thus separated below. */ Memory.prototype._gamePlayEvents = function(tile) { var self = this; tile.addEventListener( "click", function(e) { if (!this.classList.contains("flipped")) { if (self.card1flipped === false && self.card2flipped === false) { this.classList.add("flipped"); self.card1 = this; self.card1id = this.getAttribute("data-id"); self.card1flipped = true; } else if( self.card1flipped === true && self.card2flipped === false ) { this.classList.add("flipped"); self.card2 = this; self.card2id = this.getAttribute("data-id"); self.card2flipped = true; if ( self.card1id == self.card2id ) { self._gameCardsMatch(); } else { self._gameCardsMismatch(); } } } }); } /** * Memory _gameCardsMatch * * This function runs if the cards match. The "correct" class is added briefly * which fades in a background green colour. The times set on the two timeout * functions are chosen based on transition values in the CSS. The "flip" has * a 0.3s transition, so the "correct" class is added 0.3s later, shown for * 1.2s, then removed. The cards remain flipped due to the activated "flip" * class from the gamePlayEvents function. */ "document"in self&&("classList"in document.createElement("_")?!function(){"use strict";var a=document.createElement("_");if(a.classList.add("c1","c2"),!a.classList.contains("c2")){var b=function(a){var b=DOMTokenList.prototype[a];DOMTokenList.prototype[a]=function(a){var c,d=arguments.length;for(c=0;d>c;c++)a=arguments[c],b.call(this,a)}};b("add"),b("remove")}if(a.classList.toggle("c3",!1),a.classList.contains("c3")){var c=DOMTokenList.prototype.toggle;DOMTokenList.prototype.toggle=function(a,b){return 1 in arguments&&!this.contains(a)==!b?b:c.call(this,a)}}a=null}():!function(a){"use strict";if("Element"in a){var b="classList",c="prototype",d=a.Element[c],e=Object,f=String[c].trim||function(){return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"")},g=Array[c].indexOf||function(a){for(var b=0,c=this.length;c>b;b++)if(b in this&&this[b]===a)return b;return-1},h=function(a,b){this.name=a,this.code=DOMException[a],this.message=b},i=function(a,b){if(""===b)throw new h("SYNTAX_ERR","An invalid or illegal string was specified");if(/\s/.test(b))throw new h("INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR","String contains an invalid character");return g.call(a,b)},j=function(a){for(var b=f.call(a.getAttribute("class")||""),c=b?b.split(/\s+/):[],d=0,e=c.length;e>d;d++)this.push(c[d]);this._updateClassName=function(){a.setAttribute("class",this.toString())}},k=j[c]=[],l=function(){return new j(this)};if(h[c]=Error[c],k.item=function(a){return this[a]||null},k.contains=function(a){return a+="",-1!==i(this,a)},k.add=function(){var a,b=arguments,c=0,d=b.length,e=!1;do a=b[c]+"",-1===i(this,a)&&(this.push(a),e=!0);while(++c\ '; var texteADire = "Bravo, tu as gagné en "+this.numMoves+" coups ! "; responsiveVoice.speak(texteADire, "French Female"); this.game.appendChild(this.gameMessages); document.getElementById("mg__onend--restart").addEventListener( "click", function(e) { document.location.href="/memo"; }); } else { // run callback this.options.onGameEnd(); } } /** * Memory resetGame * * This function resets the game. It can run at the end of the game when the * user is presented the option to play again, or at any time like a reset * button. It is a public function, and can be used in whatever custom calls * in your markup. */ Memory.prototype.resetGame = function() { this._clearGame(); this._setupGame(); }; /** * Add Memory to global namespace */ window.Memory = Memory; })( window );