/* * MDBootstrap integration with Datatables * Learn more: https://mdbootstrap.com/docs/jquery/tables/datatables/ * About MDBootstrap: https://mdbootstrap.com/ * * This combined file was created by the DataTables downloader builder: * https://datatables.net/download * * To rebuild or modify this file with the latest versions of the included * software please visit: * https://datatables.net/download/#bs4/dt-1.10.18 * * Included libraries: * DataTables 1.10.18 */ table.dataTable thead { cursor: pointer; } table.dataTable thead > tr > th:active, table.dataTable thead > tr > td:active { outline: none; } div.dataTables_wrapper div.dataTables_length.d-flex.flex-row label { margin-top: 1.2rem; margin-right: 1rem; } div.dataTables_wrapper div.dataTables_length.d-flex.flex-row .select-wrapper.mdb-select span, div.dataTables_wrapper div.dataTables_length.d-flex.flex-row .select-wrapper.mdb-select .select-dropdown { margin-top: 1rem; } div.dataTables_wrapper div.dataTables_length label, div.dataTables_wrapper div.dataTables_filter label { text-align: left; font-weight: normal; padding-top: .5rem; padding-bottom: .5rem; } div.dataTables_wrapper div.dataTables_length select, div.dataTables_wrapper div.dataTables_length input { width: auto; } div.dataTables_wrapper div.dataTables_filter { text-align: right; } div.dataTables_wrapper div.dataTables_filter select, div.dataTables_wrapper div.dataTables_filter input { width: auto; } div.dataTables_wrapper div.dataTables_filter input { margin-left: .5rem; display: inline-block; } div.dataTables_wrapper div.dataTables_info, div.dataTables_wrapper div.dataTables_paginate { font-weight: normal; padding-top: 1rem; padding-bottom: 1rem; } div.dataTables_wrapper div.dataTables_paginate { text-align: right; margin: 0; } div.dataTables_wrapper div.dataTables_paginate ul.pagination { -webkit-box-pack: end; -webkit-justify-content: flex-end; -ms-flex-pack: end; justify-content: flex-end; } div.dataTables_wrapper div.dataTables_paginate ul.pagination .page-item.active .page-link:focus { background-color: #4285f4; } div.dataTables_wrapper div.dataTables_paginate ul.pagination .page-item .page-link:focus { -webkit-box-shadow: none; box-shadow: none; } @media (max-width: 767px) { div.dataTables_wrapper div .dataTables_length, div.dataTables_wrapper div .dataTables_filter, div.dataTables_wrapper div .dataTables_info, div.dataTables_wrapper div .dataTables_paginate ul.pagination { text-align: center; -webkit-box-pack: center; -webkit-justify-content: center; -ms-flex-pack: center; justify-content: center; } } .bs-select select { display: inline-block !important; } table.dataTable thead > tr > th.sorting_asc, table.dataTable thead > tr > th.sorting_desc, table.dataTable thead > tr > th.sorting, table.dataTable thead > tr > td.sorting_asc, table.dataTable thead > tr > td.sorting_desc, table.dataTable thead > tr > td.sorting { padding-right: 30px; } table.dataTable thead > tr > th:active, table.dataTable thead > tr > td:active { outline: none; } table.dataTable thead .sorting, table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc, table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc, table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc_disabled, table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc_disabled { cursor: pointer; position: relative; } table.dataTable thead .sorting:before, table.dataTable thead .sorting:after, table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc:before, table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc:after, table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc:before, table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc:after, table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc_disabled:before, table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc_disabled:after, table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc_disabled:before, table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc_disabled:after { position: absolute; bottom: 0.9em; display: block; opacity: 0.3; } table.dataTable thead .sorting:before, table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc:before, table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc:before, table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc_disabled:before, table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc_disabled:before { right: 1em; content: "\f0de"; } table.dataTable thead .sorting:after, table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc:after, table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc:after, table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc_disabled:after, table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc_disabled:after { content: "\f0dd"; right: 16px; } table.dataTable thead .sorting:before, table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc:before, table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc:before, table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc_disabled:before, table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc_disabled:before, table.dataTable thead .sorting:after, table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc:after, table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc:after, table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc_disabled:after, table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc_disabled:after { font-family: 'Font Awesome\ 5 Free'; font-weight: 900; font-size: 1rem; } table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc:before, table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc:after { opacity: 1; } table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc_disabled:before, table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc_disabled:after { opacity: 0; }