#ifndef PASS_H #define PASS_H #include #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" { #include } #include "passkeyringmodel.h" /** * @class Pass * @brief A class for managing password storage using GPG encryption. * * This class provides functionalities for interacting with password storage, including * storing, showing, importing, and deleting passwords securely using GPG encryption. */ class Pass : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QString password_store MEMBER m_password_store WRITE set_password_store ) Q_PROPERTY(QString gpg_home MEMBER m_gpg_home WRITE set_gpg_home ) private slots: /** * @brief Slot to handle the result of a GPG decryption operation (to show password). * @param err The error that occurred during the operation. * @param plain_text The decrypted plain text (password). */ void slotShowError(rnp_result_t err); void slotShowSucceed(QString encrypted_file_path, QString plain_text); void slotDeleteGPGKeyError(rnp_result_t err); void slotDeleteGPGKeySucceed(); /** * @brief Slot to handle the error result of a GPG key import operation. * @param err The error that occurred during the operation. */ void slotImportGPGKeyError(rnp_result_t err); /** * @brief Slot to handle the succeed result of a GPG key import operation. */ void slotImportGPGKeySucceed(); /** * @brief Slot to handle the result of retrieving all GPG keys. * @param err The error that occurred during the operation. */ void slotGetAllGPGKeysError(rnp_result_t err); /** * @brief Slot to handle the succeed result of a GPG key get all keys operation. */ void slotGetAllGPGKeysSucceed(QList result); /** * @brief Slot to handle the result of a delete Password Store operation. * @param err True if an error occurred during the operation. */ void slotDeletePasswordStoreResult(bool err); signals: // GPG-related signals /** * @brief Emitted when a GPG key is successfully deleted. */ void deleteGPGKeySucceed(); /** * @brief Emitted when a GPG key deletion fails. * @param message The error message describing the failure. */ void deleteGPGKeyFailed(int err, QString message); /** * @brief Emitted when a GPG key is successfully imported. */ void importGPGKeySucceed(); /** * @brief Emitted when a GPG key import fails. * @param message The error message describing the failure. */ void importGPGKeyFailed(int err, QString message); /** * @brief Emitted when all GPG keys are successfully retrieved. * @param keys_info The list of retrieved keys. */ void getAllGPGKeysSucceed(QObject* keys_info); /** * @brief Emitted when retrieving GPG keys fails. * @param message The error message describing the failure. */ void getAllGPGKeysFailed(int err, QString message); // Pass-related signals /** * @brief Emitted to propagate passphrase dialog response. * @param cancel Whether the dialog was cancelled. * @param passphrase The passphrase entered, if not cancelled. */ void responsePassphraseDialogPropagate(bool cancel, QString passphrase); /** * @brief Emitted when a password is successfully retrieved and shown. * @param name The name of the password (e.g., service). * @param text The password text. */ void showSucceed(QString name, QString text); void lsSucceed(QList); /** * @brief Emitted when showing a password fails. * @param message The error message describing the failure. */ void showFailed(int err, QString message); /** * @brief Emitted hen showing a password cancelled. */ void showCancelled(); /** * @brief Emitted when the password store is successfully deleted. */ void deletePasswordStoreSucceed(); /** * @brief Emitted when deleting the password store fails. * @param message The error message describing the failure. */ void deletePasswordStoreFailed(int err, QString message); private: QString m_password_store; /**< The path to the password store. */ QString m_gpg_home; /**< The path to the gpg home. */ std::unique_ptr m_keyring_model; /**< Meta data on the keyring uid, name, secrecy ... of the availble keys. */ rnp_password_cb m_passphrase_provider; /**< Pointer on passphrase povider for operations using secret keys. */ std::unique_ptr m_sem; /**< Semaphore for managing concurrent operations. */ /** * @brief Initialize gpg home. */ void initGpgHome(); /** * @brief Initialize password store. */ void initPasswordStore(); void lsJob(); public: /** * @brief Constructs the Pass object. */ Pass(); /** * @brief Set the path to the password store. * @param The path to the password store. */ void set_password_store(QString password_store) { qInfo() << "[Pass] Password Store changed to :" << password_store; this->m_password_store = password_store; }; /** * @brief Set the path to the gpg hom. * @param The path to the gpg hom */ void set_gpg_home(QString gpg_home) { qInfo() << "[Pass] GPG Home changed to :" << gpg_home; this->m_gpg_home = gpg_home; }; void set_passphrase_provider(rnp_password_cb passphrase_provider) { this->m_passphrase_provider = passphrase_provider; } /** * @brief Initializes the Pass object with the given window. * @param window The QObject window to interact with. */ Q_INVOKABLE void initialize(QObject *window); // GPG-related methods /** * @brief Launch the job to delete the specified GPG key. * @param key The PassKeyModel to delete. * @return True if the job was start successfully, false otherwise. */ Q_INVOKABLE bool deleteGPGKey(PassKeyModel* key); /** * @brief Launch the job to import a GPG key from the given URL. * @param url The URL to import the GPG key from. * @return True if the job was start was successfully, false otherwise. */ Q_INVOKABLE bool importGPGKey(QUrl url); /** * @brief Launch the to retrieve all GPG keys. * @return True if the job was start was successfully, false otherwise. */ Q_INVOKABLE bool getAllGPGKeys(); /** * @brief Return the response from the passphrase dialog. * @param cancel Whether the dialog was cancelled. * @param passphrase The passphrase entered, if not cancelled. */ Q_INVOKABLE void responsePassphraseDialog(bool cancel, QString passphrase); // Password store-related methods /** * @brief Get the list of password. * @return The list of password in the password store. */ Q_INVOKABLE bool ls(); /** * @brief Launch the job to shows the password associated with the specified URL. * @param url The URL pointing to the password store entry. * @return True if the job was start successfully, false otherwise. */ Q_INVOKABLE bool show(QUrl url); /** * @brief Launch the job to delete the password store. * @return True if if the job was start successfully, false otherwise. */ Q_INVOKABLE bool deletePasswordStore(); }; #endif