import QtQuick 2.4 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import Ubuntu.Components 1.3 import Ubuntu.Components.Popups 1.3 import Pass 1.0 import "dialogs" MainView { id: root objectName: "mainView" applicationName: "utpass.qrouland" automaticOrientation: false width: height: signal responsePassphraseDialog(bool canceled, string passphrase) function initPass(rootView) { Pass.init(rootView) } function callPassphraseDialog(useridHint, description, previousWasBad) { //TODO use parameters to impove passphrase dialog var passphraseDialog = Qt.resolvedUrl("dialogs/PassphraseDialog.qml")) passphraseDialog.activateFocus() var validated = function (passphrase) { responsePassphraseDialog(false, passphrase) } var canceled = function () { responsePassphraseDialog(true, "") } passphraseDialog.validated.connect(validated) passphraseDialog.canceled.connect(canceled) } function callCredDialog() { //TODO add parameters to impove passphrase dialog var credDialog = Qt.resolvedUrl("dialogs/CredDialog.qml")) credDialog.activateFocus() var validated = function (user, password) { responseCredDialog(false, user, password) } var canceled = function () { responseCredDialog(true, "", "") } credDialog.validated.connect(validated) credDialog.canceled.connect(canceled) } PageStack { id: pageStack anchors.fill: parent Component.onCompleted: { pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("pages/PasswordList.qml")) } } }