#include #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" { #include } #include "clonejob.h" CloneJob::CloneJob(QString url, QString path, cred_type cred): GitJob(cred), m_url(url), m_path(path) { this->setObjectName("CloneJob"); } void CloneJob::run() { auto tmp_dir = this->cloneSetup(); auto ret = this->clone(this->m_url, tmp_dir.absolutePath(), this->m_cred, this->credentialsCB); if (ret) { this->moveToDestination(tmp_dir, this->m_path); } this->cloneCleanUp(tmp_dir); emit resultReady(!ret); // TODO Clean error handling to return specifics errors for the ui } QDir CloneJob::cloneSetup() { QDir tmp_dir(QStandardPaths::writableLocation( QStandardPaths::CacheLocation).append("/clone")); tmp_dir.removeRecursively(); qDebug() << "[CloneJob] Temp dir path is " << tmp_dir.absolutePath(); return tmp_dir; } bool CloneJob::cloneCleanUp(QDir tmp_dir) { return tmp_dir.removeRecursively(); } bool CloneJob::moveToDestination(QDir tmp_dir, QString path) { qDebug() << "[CloneJob] Removing password_store " << path; QDir destination_dir(path); destination_dir.removeRecursively(); qDebug() << "[CloneJob] Moving cloned content to destination dir"; QDir dir; qDebug() << "[CloneJob]" << tmp_dir.absolutePath() << " to " << destination_dir.absolutePath(); return dir.rename(tmp_dir.absolutePath(), destination_dir.absolutePath()); // TODO Better error handling } bool CloneJob::clone(QString url, QString path, cred_type cred, git_cred_acquire_cb cb) { git_repository *repo = NULL; git_clone_options opts = GIT_CLONE_OPTIONS_INIT; PayloadCB payload = PayloadCB(false, cred); opts.fetch_opts.callbacks.credentials = cb; opts.fetch_opts.callbacks.payload = &payload; int ret = git_clone(&repo, url.toLocal8Bit().data(), path.toLocal8Bit().data(), &opts); if (ret == GIT_EUSER ) { qDebug() << "[CloneJob] CallBack Error"; } else if (ret != 0) { auto err = git_error_last(); // TODO Better error handling for return ui messages if (err) { qDebug() << "[CloneJob]" << git_error_last()->message; } } if (repo) { git_repository_free(repo); } return ret == 0; }