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#include <QDebug>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <QObject>
#include <QQmlProperty>
#include <QEventLoop>
#include <QSemaphore>
#include <gpgme++/interfaces/passphraseprovider.h>
#include "gpg.h"
* @class UTPassphraseProvider
* @brief A passphrase provider for GPG operations that interacts with a QML dialog.
* This class implements the `PassphraseProvider` interface from GPGME and is responsible for
* obtaining passphrases for GPG operations.
class UTPassphraseProvider : public QObject, public PassphraseProvider
public slots:
* @brief Slot to handle the user's response from the passphrase dialog.
* This method processes the response from the passphrase dialog. If the user provides a passphrase,
* it is stored; if the operation is canceled, a flag is set.
* @param canceled Whether the user canceled the passphrase entry.
* @param passphrase The passphrase entered by the user.
void handleResponse(bool canceled, QString passphrase)
qDebug() << "call handleResponse";
if (!canceled)
gpgrt_asprintf(&m_passphrase, "%s", passphrase.toUtf8().constData());
m_canceled = true;
emit unlockEventLoop();
* @brief Signal to unlock the event loop.
* This signal is emitted when the passphrase has been entered or the operation has been canceled,
* unlocking the event loop waiting for the response.
void unlockEventLoop();
std::unique_ptr<QSemaphore> m_sem; /**< Semaphore for managing access. */
char *m_passphrase; /**< The passphrase provided by the user. */
bool m_canceled; /**< Flag indicating whether the passphrase operation was canceled. */
QObject *m_window; /**< The window object that triggers the QML dialog. */
* @brief Constructs a UTPassphraseProvider.
* Initializes the semaphore, passphrase, and canceled flag. Sets the window object that will
* trigger the passphrase dialog.
* @param window The QObject representing the window that interacts with QML.
UTPassphraseProvider(QObject* window)
: m_sem(std::make_unique<QSemaphore>(1)),
qDebug() << "Initialize UTPassphraseProvider";
* @brief Implements the PassphraseProvider's `getPassphrase` method.
* This method is called by GPGME to retrieve the passphrase needed for GPG operations. It triggers
* a QML dialog for the user to input their passphrase. The method waits for the response and returns
* the passphrase if successful, or null if canceled.
* @param useridHint A hint for the user ID to which the passphrase corresponds.
* @param description A description of the passphrase request.
* @param previousWasBad Flag indicating whether the previous passphrase attempt was incorrect.
* @param canceled Reference to a boolean flag that will be set if the operation is canceled.
* @return The passphrase as a `char *` or `nullptr` if canceled.
char *getPassphrase(const char *useridHint,
const char *description,
bool previousWasBad,
bool &canceled) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE {
qDebug() << "Call the getPassphrase";
if (!this->m_sem->tryAcquire(1, 500))
qWarning() << "Cannot acquire UTPassphraseProvider semaphore.";
canceled = true;
return nullptr;
this->m_passphrase = nullptr;
this->m_canceled = false;
qDebug() << "Call the QML Dialog Passphrase Provider";
this->m_window, "callPassphraseDialog",
Q_ARG(QVariant, useridHint),
Q_ARG(QVariant, description),
Q_ARG(QVariant, previousWasBad)
qDebug() << "Waiting for response";
QEventLoop loop;
QObject::connect(this, &UTPassphraseProvider::unlockEventLoop, &loop, &QEventLoop::quit);
qDebug() << "Prepare Returns";
char *ret;
gpgrt_asprintf(&ret, "%s", m_passphrase);
canceled = this->m_canceled;
qDebug() << "Clean";
if (this->m_passphrase)
this->m_canceled = false;
return ret;