use std::env; fn main() { println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=FRIDA_CODE"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=FRIDA_CODE_FILE"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=LIB_PROXY"); if let Ok(code_file) = env::var("FRIDA_CODE_FILE") { env::set_var("FRIDA_CODE", &std::fs::read_to_string(&code_file).unwrap()); println!("cargo:warning=Using code from file: {}", &code_file); } else if env::var("FRIDA_CODE").is_ok() { println!("cargo:warning=Using code from environment variable: FRIDA_CODE"); } else { println!("Please set FRIDA_CODE or FRIDA_CODE_FILE environment variable"); std::process::exit(1); } if let Ok(lib_path) = env::var("LIB_PROXY") { // let mut exports = Vec::new(); // let mut dllsystem: &str; // let mut pragma: Vec = Vec::new(); use goblin::Object::{self, Elf, PE, Mach, Archive, Unknown}; // use goblin::mach::{MultiArch, MachO}; // #[cfg(windows)] // use pelite::{FileMap, PeFile, Wrap}; // #[cfg(windows)] // match PeFile::from_bytes(&file_map) { // Ok(Wrap::T32(file)) => { // exports = dump_export32(file); // dllsystem = "x86"; // } // Ok(Wrap::T64(file)) => { // exports = dump_export64(file); // dllsystem = "amd64"; // } // Err(err) => { // println!("Error: {}", err); // std::process::exit(1); // } // } let path = std::path::Path::new(&lib_path); let lib_name = path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(); let lib_bytes = std::fs::read(path).expect(format!("Failed to open given library file {}", &lib_name).as_str()); let object = Object::parse(&lib_bytes).expect(format!("Failed to parse given libary file {}", &lib_name).as_str()); let exports: Vec<&str> = match object { // Elf(o) => { o.dynsyms.iter().map(|e| e.st_name.clone()).collect() }, PE(o) => { o.exports.iter().map(|e| }, Mach(_o) => { println!("Mach binaries are not supported yet"); std::process::exit(1); }, Archive(_o) => { println!("Archive files are not supported"); std::process::exit(1); }, _ => { println!("Unknown file format"); std::process::exit(1); }, }; for e in exports.iter() { println!("cargo:warning=Exported function: {}", e); println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=dylib=orig.{}", lib_name); println!("cargo:rustc-link-arg=/EXPORT:{}=orig.{}.{}", e, lib_name, e); } } }