67 lines
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67 lines
2.1 KiB
from hashlib import sha256
from flask_restful import Resource, request
from app.model import *
from app.utils import checkParams, get_random_string
class UserAPI(Resource):
User Api Resource
def post(self):
args = request.get_json(cache=False, force=True)
if not checkParams(['role', 'email', 'name'], args):
return {"ERROR": "One or more parameters are missing !"}, 400
role = args['role']
email = args['email']
name = args['name']
phone = None
user = getUser(email=email)
hashpass = get_random_string()
while hashExists(hashpass):
hashpass = get_random_string()
if user is not None:
return {"UID": user["id"]}, 200
query = USER.insert().values(email=email, role=role, phone=phone, name=name, hash=hashpass)
res = query.execute()
return {"UID": res.lastrowid}, 201
def put(self, uid):
args = request.get_json(cache=False, force=True)
if not checkParams(['role', 'email', 'phone', 'name', 'password'], args):
return {"ERROR": "One or more parameters are missing !"}, 400
role = args['role']
email = args['email']
phone = args['phone']
name = args['name']
psw = args['password']
if psw is None or len(psw) < 8:
return {"ERROR": "Password can't be empty or less than 8 characters !"}, 400
password = sha256(psw.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
if getUser(uid=uid) is None:
return {"ERROR": "This user doesn't exists !"}, 405
if getUser(email=email) is not None:
return {"ERROR": "A user with this email already exists !"}, 405
query = USER.update().values(email=email, role=role, phone=phone, name=name, psw=password, hash=None) \
.where(USER.c.id == uid)
return {"UID": uid}, 200
def get(self, uid=0, email=""):
if uid > 0:
return {'USER': getUser(uid=uid)}, 200
elif email != "":
return {'USER': getUser(email=email)}, 200