1 Features
Quentin Rouland edited this page 2023-06-13 15:53:53 +00:00


  • [] pass init [--path=subfolder,-p subfolder] gpg-id... Initialize new password storage and use gpg-id for encryption. Selectively reencrypt existing passwords using new gpg-id.
    • Interactive dialog to init a new password storage
    • Support subfolder
    • Support reencrypt

  • pass [ls] [subfolder] List passwords.
    • UI allowing to navigate through the password store showing the available passwords

  • pass find pass-names... List passwords that match pass-names
    • Search bar allowing searchs by pass-names

  • [~] pass [show] [--clip[=line-number],-c[line-number]] pass-name Show existing password and optionally put it on the clipboard. If put on the clipboard, it will be cleared in 45 seconds.
    • Click on a pass show the password
    • Add option to put the password to the clipboard
    • Clearing clipboard after 45 secs
    • Line number option ???

  • pass grep search-string Search for password files containing search-string when decrypted.
    • TBD

  • pass insert [--echo,-e | --multiline,-m] [--force,-f] pass-name Insert new password. Optionally, echo the password back to the console during entry. Or, optionally, the entry may be multiline. Prompt before overwriting existing password unless forced.
    • TBD

  • pass edit pass-name Insert a new password or edit an existing password using editor.
    • TBD

  • pass generate [--no-symbols,-n] [--clip,-c] [--in-place,-i | --force,-f] pass-name [pass-length] Generate a new password of pass-length (or 25 if unspecified) with optionally no symbols. Optionally put it on the clipboard and clear board after 45 seconds. Prompt before overwriting existing password unless forced. Optionally replace only the first line of an existing file with a new password.
    • TBD

  • pass rm [--recursive,-r] [--force,-f] pass-name Remove existing password or directory, optionally forcefully.
    • TBD

  • pass mv [--force,-f] old-path new-path Renames or moves old-path to new-path, optionally forcefully, selectively reencrypting.
    • TBD

  • pass cp [--force,-f] old-path new-path Copies old-path to new-path, optionally forcefully, selectively reencrypting.

    • TBD

  • pass git git-command-args... If the password store is a git repository, execute a git command specified by git-command-args.
    • TBD

  • pass help Show this text.

    • TBD

  • pass version Show version information.
    • TBD


  • Import gp key files
  • [~] Show Keys Infomations
  • Delete Keys


  • Zip password store import