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Have you ever written a frida script this good, that you wanted to make it permanent? Well, now you can!

frida-deepfreeze-rs is a tool that allows you to convert your frida scripts into either a standalone executable that when called with a PID injects itself and runs the script or a shared library that can be somehow injected to a process and runs the script.

All desktop platforms are supported (Windows, Linux, macOS).


You're gonna have to compile the tool yourself as the frida script gets embedded at compile time.

You only need a working cargo installation to compile it, it's quite simple.

You can feed your script either as a string using the FRIDA_CODE environment variable or as a file using the FRIDA_CODE_FILE environment variable.

Standalone executable

git clone
FRIDA_CODE='console.log("Hello world from frida-deepfreeze-rs!")' cargo run --bin standalone -- 1234

The binary is located at target/debug/standalone (.exe for windows).

Shared library

git clone
FRIDA_CODE='console.log("Hello world from frida-deepfreeze-rs!")' cargo build --lib
LD_PRELOAD=target/debug/ cat
# rundll32.exe target/debug/frida_deepfreeze_rs.dll,inject_self 1234 (windows equivalent)

The resulting library is located at target/debug/ (.dll for windows). You can inject it using your favorite injector.

There are two exported functions:

void inject(uint32_t pid); // Run the frida script in the process with the given pid
void inject_self(); // Run the frida script in the process that called the function

By default, on load the library will call inject_self().