TG-59 : TU sur UserAPI + corrections

This commit is contained in:
Clément ARNAUDEAU 2017-03-17 10:01:30 +01:00
parent 88f96a21dd
commit 2e21619ff5
4 changed files with 115 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -32,23 +32,26 @@ UserAPI (api/user)
POST -> Create a user if it not already exists
CASid = Login of the user caught from the CAS authentication
CASid = Login of the user caught from the CAS authentication (must be unique)
role = Role of the user (can be concatenated with -) 1=secrétaire, 2=resp_formation, 3=tuteur_univ, 4=étudiant
200 -> UID = <USER_ID> : The user already exists with the id USER_ID
201 -> UID = <USER_ID> : The user has been successfully created with the id USER_ID
400 -> ERROR = "One or more parameters are missing" : Bad request
405 -> ERROR = "A user with this email already exists !" : A user with this email already exists
PUT -> Modify an existing user
In: (Suffix = /byuid/<USER_ID>)
CASid = Login of the user caught from the CAS authentication
CASid = Login of the user caught from the CAS authentication (must be unique)
role = Role of the user (can be concatenated with -) 1=secrétaire, 2=resp_formation, 3=tuteur_univ, 4=étudiant
phone = Phone number of the user (
email = Email of the user
email = Email of the user (must be unique)
200 -> UID = <USER_ID> : The user has been modified sucessfully with the id USER_ID
400 -> ERROR = "One or more parameters are missing !" : Bad request
405 -> ERROR = "This user doesn't exists !" : Bad USER_ID provided
405 -> ERROR = "A user with this CASid (login) already exists !" : A user with this login already exists
405 -> ERROR = "A user with this email already exists !" : A user with this email already exists
GET -> Getting specified user infos
In: (Suffixes = /byuid/<USER_ID> | /bylogin/<USER_LOGIN> | /byemail/<USER_EMAIL>)

View File

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class GroupAPI(Resource):
return {"ERROR": "This group does not exists !"}, 405
group = getGroup(name=name)
if group is None:
if group is not None:
return {"ERROR": "A group with this name already exists !"}, 405
user = getUser(uid=resp_id)

View File

@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ class UserAPI(Resource):
if user is not None:
return {"UID": user["id"]}, 200
if getUser(email=email) is not None:
return {"ERROR": "A user with this email (" + email + ") already exists !"}, 405
query = USER.insert().values(login=CASid, email=email, role=role, phone=phone)
res = query.execute()
return {"UID": res.lastrowid}, 201
@ -31,13 +34,20 @@ class UserAPI(Resource):
if not checkParams(['CASid', 'role', 'email', 'phone'], args):
return {"ERROR": "One or more parameters are missing !"}, 400
if getUser(uid=uid) is None:
return {"ERROR": "This user doesn't exists !"}, 405
CASid = args['CASid']
role = args['role']
email = args['email']
phone = args['phone']
if getUser(uid=uid) is None:
return {"ERROR": "This user doesn't exists !"}, 405
if getUser(login=CASid) is not None:
return {"ERROR": "A user with this CASid (login) already exists !"}, 405
if getUser(email=email) is not None:
return {"ERROR": "A user with this email already exists !"}, 405
query = USER.update().values(login=CASid, email=email, role=role, phone=phone).where( == uid)
return {"UID": uid}, 200
@ -52,4 +62,4 @@ class UserAPI(Resource):
def getEmailFromCAS(CASid):
return ""
return CASid + ""

View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
import unittest
from flask import json
from app.core import app
from app.model import USER, user_class
class UserTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
uid = None
gid = None
tid = None
def tearDownClass(cls):
query = USER.delete().where(user_class.login == "admin")
query = USER.delete().where(user_class.login == "admin2")
def setUp(self): = app.test_client()
def tearDown(self):
def create_user(self, login, role):
), content_type='application/json')
def getUserByID(self, UID):
return'/api/user/byuid/' + str(UID))
def getUserByLogin(self, login):
return'/api/user/bylogin/' + login)
def getUserByEmail(self, email):
return'/api/user/byemail/' + email)
def change_user(self, UID, login, role, email, phone):
return'/api/user/byuid/' + str(UID),
), content_type='application/json')
def test_user(self):
rv = self.create_user('admin', '4')
self.assertEqual(rv.status_code, 201, 'Creating user Failed')
uid = json.loads(['UID']
rv = self.create_user('admin', '4')
self.assertEqual(rv.status_code, 200, 'User is supposed to already exist')
uid2 = json.loads(['UID']
self.assertEqual(uid, uid2, "The UID must be the same !")
rv = self.getUserByID(uid)
self.assertEqual(rv.status_code, 200, 'Getting user failed by ID')
user = json.loads(['USER']
rv = self.getUserByLogin("admin")
self.assertEqual(rv.status_code, 200, 'Getting user failed by Login')
user2 = json.loads(['USER']
self.assertEqual(user, user2, "User by login must be the same !")
rv = self.getUserByEmail("")
self.assertEqual(rv.status_code, 200, 'Getting user failed by email')
user3 = json.loads(['USER']
self.assertEqual(user, user3, "User by email must be the same !")
rv = self.change_user(uid, 'adminx', '3', '', '')
self.assertEqual(rv.status_code, 200, 'User modification failed !')
uid3 = json.loads(['UID']
self.assertEqual(uid, uid3, "UIDs doesn't match !")
rv = self.getUserByLogin("adminx")
self.assertEqual(rv.status_code, 200, 'Getting modified user failed by Login')
user4 = json.loads(['USER']
self.assertIsNotNone(user4, "Modified user shouldn't be None !")
if __name__ == '__main__':